Thursday, October 21, 2010

School Roofing Scams: An Introduction

Friends, I once thought I was alone in exposing "Proprietary Specifications" in the roofing industry. I'm not. A real warrior beat me to it, and I find I'm not alone. I'm very careful not to post anything that is not public record, and it's you who must make the decision. Please know I do not find joy when reporting these things to you. Quite the opposite is true.

This is but ONE example of a trend all over this country(and abroad). We are laying off educators, lack basic necessities, and are cutting relevant programs. This is not an isolated case, because that would be unfair. You will see further examples for you to evaluate, but I don't want to inundate you with the avalanche of documented cases. ANYONE with a computer has the same access I do.

If you are angry, good. You should be. My only responsibility here is to accurately present information for you to consider, nothing more.

As I viewed the clip, my mind went to the decent people who readily volunteer their time, and resources, to assist children. Taking that away, and negating all the good work, is (in my opinion) sinful and absent of conscience.

Soon, I will share with you, how to eliminate this ...............well, you fill in the blank. Like I said, you make the decision. Ms. Janet Campbell does a masterful job of presenting the issue in it's entirety. She is linked under "Trusted

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