Friends: It seems like I'm always writing about the "Bad Guys" who bring shame to our discipline,and harm taxpayers; but today will be quite the opposite, and far more rewarding. Certainly for me, and hopefully, for you too. I'd like to share an exceptional article written by my friend, Mr. Brian Gardiner. Brian is well known to members of RCI, He's worked tirelessly on their behalf, and fair minded people everywhere. Brian's article is accurate, reasonable, and fair (typical of Brian). My fondness for him is genuine, and well earned. Brian stood by me, when I had no one. Another admission is that we are a bit different in temperament. Brian being the more educated, accredited, and experienced, while I struggle with aggressiveness, and a somewhat mercurial temper. A character flaw I'm working on. Please read "Interface'" RCI's publication. It is imperative for anyone who considers themselves a "Professional". Every school board in this country should read it, print it, and tape it to the wall. The full article may be found here. I'll share a little of it below, but to get the full effect, PLEASE read the article in full.
Editor’s note: This white paper was prepared for RCI and will be disseminated to news media throughout North America in support of RCI’s stance on publicly funded construction procurement.
Public procurement of construction projects has evolved into various methods. Not all methods are allowed in all states. This article will examine two options: design-bid-build (open bid) and cooperative (interlocal) purchasing.
The design-bid-build project delivery method is available in all states (Figure 1).
The owner contracts directly with a designer of record—typically an architect, engineer, or consultant (AEC)—to provide project-specific sealed documents that are advertised and bid by general contractors, subcontractors, and suppliers.
The AEC has no financial interest in the products specified.
There is usually a public bid opening by the owner, where bids are read aloud and recorded.
The AEC typically participates in helping the owner determine bid awards and provides construction administration services.
Cooperative Purchasing
Cooperative purchasing of publicly funded construction is not allowed in all states. Additionally, some states previously allowed cooperative purchasing for construction, but now prohibit its use. Cooperative purchasing bidding and other practices can vary significantly from one cooperative to another.
The cooperative, using its own criteria, determines who is the lowest responsible bidder and awards a multi-year contract, with possible one-year renewals.
The primary entity providing construction services, or vendor, may be a contractor, manufacturer, or another type of business. These entities have an inherent financial conflict of interest when performing as the designer of record.
There might not be a formal written construction agreement between the owner and the vendor. The owner may only issue a purchase order based on the unit price book created by the cooperative and priced out by the vendor (Figure 2).
Bidders in cooperatives are often evaluated for items not included in a design-bid-build project, such as level of financial and sales force commitment to market the cooperative to prospective owners.
Brian Gardiner has practiced consulting for over 30 years. He is a past director of both RCI, Inc. Region IV (1995-1998) and the Building Envelope Institute, Inc. (2005-2006). Brian has been awarded the RCI, Inc. “Outstanding Educator Award” for presenting at numerous seminars. He is past chair of RCI’s Advocacy Committee and currently assists RCI with procurement issues affecting its Consultant members.
The article goes on to describe proper competitive bidding in all public projects. If you don't like to read, he's got a number of graphs you can keep busy with.
If you are a public administrator, Brian's article just might spare you a world of hurt. It can also make an administrator look like a "Super Hero" to the taxpayers in their district. Staking my reputation, will tell you that if Brian Gardiner says it, it's true. Truly, one of the most honorable, and capable men I know. It is impossible for me to give higher praise. The discipline needs him, and about 1,000 more like him. If not 1,000, I'll settle for just one.
I wish I could list the names of everyone who's helped me, and the discipline, but I can't, lest they be ostracized. We are free people, but cannot bid on projects using our own tax dollars. If anyone wants to correct me, by all means, do. Every word I say is backed by public record, so please make your comment fact based. as I cannot debate emotion. Thank you kindly for spending valuable time with me here, and know how desperately I appreciate it. NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind. Reject negativity in all forms and always remember to keep looking "UP".
Much Respect. Robert R. Solomon Public Procurement Anaslyst' State Certified CCC 1325620 Licensed Consultant. Note: I do not contract, or work for anyone. I maintain my credentials as reference only.