Showing posts with label NRCA on Purchasing Cooperatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NRCA on Purchasing Cooperatives. Show all posts

Saturday, March 31, 2018

NRCA takes "Honorable Position" against Purchasing Cooperatives .


The National Roofing Contractors Association takes a stand against the "One Size Fits All" philosophy of roofing and roofing services.  Purchasing Cooperatives may help with common items, but have no business (accreditation, or experience) inserting themselves in Construction Services of any kind.

Please let me thank the members of  "Coalition for Procurement Reform" for their noble, and continuous effort promoting "Fairness" . I am privileged to know many of them very well, and know their hearts are in the right place.  They do not ask special treatment from anyone.

They are working hard to protect the taxpayers from obvious scams, and "Predatory Sales Models".

It is not an exaggeration to say they are trying to save taxpayers several BILLION dollars lost to publicly funded roofing scams. No exaggeration at all.

The overreach is phenomenal in it's "Exclusion of Competition", false statements of "Competition", and are unqualified to address the Construction Industry.  Nobody in the Private Market uses the Purchasing Cooperatives for construction services.

General Contractors, and the minimum 20 Subtrades, need to wake up.  They're already trying to exclude you and deprive you of a living. You too will be under their thumb.  HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, and right down the line.


This topic was originally addressed by Mr. Tom Gernetzke, Past President of Roof Consultant's Institute (RCI) in the form of "Operation Moonshot".  Unfortunately, Mr. Gernetzke's valiant effort was for naught, as succeeding RCI Presidents' simply dropped the ball, and ignored the hard work , and depth of courage necessary . I hold him in the highest regard.

It is my understanding the new NRCA President, and RCI Presidents, have stiffened their backbones, and taking this head on.  I am thankful to them for acknowledging the damage done to taxpayers , schools, and all publicly funded projects,  through "Sole Source", "Proprietary" Contracting Methods.and  "Predatory Sales Models" as I call them.

NO purchasing cooperative on earth can prove they chose a roofing material vendor through "competitive bidding".  It is impossible to do.  Mr. Ribble describes if much better than I can.

I could spend all day thanking the many good people of both organizations who've reached out to me for help.  Unfortunately, cannot mention their names as they fear certain reprisal  They will be shut out  by hateful, vindictive, administrators, who have no authority to exclude anyone.  

Like Mr. Ribble says in the following document, we do not wish to exclude the current "Sole Source" vendors of  Purchasing Cooperatives. They are more than welcome to be included on any bid list.  NRCA, and RCI do not practice "exclusion".  It is imperative you understand these two organizations are the largest of their kind with thousands of members worldwide.

Much Respect to Mr. Ribble, NRCA, RCI, and their members. 

Click to enlarge. 

My only "job"is to educate administrators, and protest wasteful spending when I see it.

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit, nor accept, compensation or personal advancement of any kind.

I welcome requests for help, and answer all email.

I am currently working with the VA regarding their "Sole Source" roofing vendor.  It would sicken you.  Honorable Men and Women are not receiving necessary services.  Their roofing vendor is stealing six ways to Sunday, and incapable of shame.  NO COMPETITION brings out the very worst in people.

I know that reading this material is like putting together a 20,000 piece snow storm puzzle, so the Visene's on me.

Thank you again for spending time with me here, and know my appreciation is genuine.  

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit, nor accept, compensation or personal advancement of any kind.


Robert R. Solomon
Public Procurement Analyst
State Certified 