Showing posts with label roofing does not belong in cooperatives. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roofing does not belong in cooperatives. Show all posts

Saturday, May 24, 2014

"Competitive Bidding: Public Roofing, and Roofing Services"

"Competitive Bidding:  Public Roofing, and Roofing Services"
By: Robert R. Solomon

"Roof Consultant's Alliance"

 May 24, 2014


The roofing discipline as a whole, has a steadfast position against "Exclusion" of fair competition in public works .

We do not seek, nor support, "Exclusion" often found in purchasing cooperatives through "Line Item", "Sole Source", "Proprietary Specifications" (unnecessarily restrictive), and "Preferred Vendors".  

The discipline believes we should have an opportunity to bid on public projects funded by our own tax dollars.

"Fair Competition" is circumvented by purchasing cooperatives, and their operatives.  They are not competitive in the private market, and therefore not competitive in the public market.  

We abhor the "Predatory Sales Models" that advertise "We handle it all", or "Partnering" with government agencies.  The outcomes are predetermined by naming only ONE manufacturer.

No government agency may give even the slightest hint of favoritism, and it exposes our schools to unnecessary suit.   

Many examples of this exist, and all one has to do is type "School Roofing Scam" into your browser, and the same on YouTube.  You will find no shortage of investigative reports there.

Please notice the reports feature  two manufacturers: Tremco (aka WTI), and Garland.  It is not our desire to "Exclude" these manufacturers, but add fair competition in the form of major, financially sound, competitive, manufacturers.

Firestone, GAF, and Carlisle Syntec are a few, but we have many fine examples of "Honorable" manufacturers.  All backed by billions of dollars in assets, and strong underwriting capability.

It is the taxpayer, our schools, and our children, we fight for.  In the absence of fair competition, schools are paying a "Premium", upwards of 50% (or more), and receiving no additional benefit.  

The bulk of that money (25%) goes straight into a "Salesman's" pocket, and then an average of 4% to the purchasing cooperative.  By this arrangement, the taxpayer dollar is immediately reduced to 71 cents, and nothing to show for it.  

Frankly, even if removing, or adjusting, the sales "Commissions", you would still overpay by a large sum.

We do not wish to disrupt commerce, but to make sure the money reaches its intended purpose.  Please note that when I refer to "Bidders", I mean "Responsible Bidders" who meet a standard of criteria:

 Financial requirements, and in most cases, protecting the taxpayers with a "Performance and Payment Bond".  This, of course, protects the taxpayer from default, or expenditure of additional monies.
We know that all projects must provide "Serviceability", and "Value".  "Cheap" does not equal "Value" by the way.  This may be remedied through independent consultants (RCI), and specifications that are "Inclusive" .  

Public Record:  

Last year, the DOJ fined Tremco $65,100,000.00 for the abuse of GSA contracts:

Eloquently described by the State of New Jersey, here:

for a very comprehensive list, please see reference material (attached):

Simply put, claims of "We buy in bulk, so you save money", and "our vast negotiating power assures you the best price", are not applicable to roofing, and roofing services.  

You may not award multi-million, multi-year, contracts based upon a single "line item", cherry picked to "reward" members of the cooperative.   As "commissioned salesmen", the purchasing cooperative has absolutely no incentive to "compete", and the bigger the contract, the bigger their commission.  Make sense?

I do not speak for my honorable colleagues of Roof Consultant's Institute, or any manufacturer.  Roof Consultant's Alliance (3,700 Members) enthusiastically support their position however.

RCI's official position paper on independent third party oversight:

Again, we do not wish to "Exclude" anyone, and will fight just as hard for Garland, or Tremco, should they find themselves in a similar position.  We ask for FAIR competition, and should hope our message of concern is well received.

We are spending real money, and know that someone worked hard for it. Someone just like you.  

Respectfully, I would like you to consider the position of honorable people, willing to fight for the taxpayers, our schools, and subsequently, our children.

Say "NO" to the purchase of roofing and roofing services, manipulated by false comparisons through purchasing cooperatives.

NOTE: Retired 2003, I do not solicit, nor accept, compensation, or personal advancement of any kind.  Everything I say is supported by public record, and can produce it quite readily.


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
Public Procurement Analyst
CCC 1325620

For those of you who are being excluded, or if you care one bit about our schools, you are free to use this letter as a "Template".  Please verify for yourself, and draw your own conclusions.  



When taking the money away from an argument, all that's left is the truth.  That remains in the forefront of my mind, do my very best to bring only documented TRUTH. Nothing else will do.

If anyone ever has an issue (factually) with anything here, please be kind enough to bring it to my attention.  I will retract, or modify the statement.  Please understand that here, I do not offer 'Opinion".  I will respectfully request you furnish public record to support any discord.

My Friends across the globe, I am so thankful, and appreciative for your valuable time spent with me here.

I pray that you reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
Public Procurement Analyst
CCC 1325620