Showing posts with label Garland dangerous to administrators. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Garland dangerous to administrators. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2013

Garland Corporate "We're Innocent" Tour in Videos.

Please watch, and LISTEN carefully.

Garland is going to tell you that Public Procurement is the same as Private Procurement.  That government has the right to buy anything they want.

Trying to circumvent that nasty "taxpayer" thing again.  The only problem with that is Private owners may spend their money as they wish.  It's their money.

Public Procurement is spending taxpayer dollars, not their own.  You and I own buildings, not the government.  By Garland's reasoning, all public officials could drive Mercedes 600's, and get away with it.  Absurd reasoning, and that's their problem.

NO Politician would ever come out in favor of "No Compete" scenarios, favoring only one supplier.  By the way, when Garland talks about "Consulting", that is positiively illegal.  It is against all procurement law that prohibit a consultant/manufacturer specifying only their material to a public entity.

Looks like Garland is stressed over the Tremco heat.  Funny how they can call another roofing manufacturer a "Bad Apple".  Please notice that each of them say the government, or their "Partners" have the right to buy anything that makes them happy.  and equate Public Procurement with Private Enterprise.

Each of them say "I don't know what this could possibly be about", yet a couple of them refer to investigations by the government. GAF, Firestone, and Carlisle don't have to make "We're Not Guilty" videos.

Please enjoy:




Thank you for spending time with me here, and I hope you are seeing the assault on taxpayers, perpetrated by only a few roofing material manufacturers.  These investigations are now bleeding over to the roofing contractors for "played along".

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620 (Florida)