Showing posts with label Proprietary Roofing Specifications. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Proprietary Roofing Specifications. Show all posts

Friday, July 31, 2020

RoofConnect, and Mr. David Workman. An "Honorable" Roofing Service Provider

As many of you know, I write about roofing scams in public works.

Everything I say is backed by public record, with supporting    links.

The people I protect are Taxpayers, Public Schools, and all projects that involve public money.

I expose "Predatory Sales Models", and outright lying to public administrators.  Most of these lies are perpetrated by Purchasing Cooperatives manipulating numbers for a "Preferred Vendor".  Against the law in all 50 states.

I have a great example of "Bid Rigging" that I will share soon.

Several people with "clout" in the roofing discipline have assaulted me, and are trying to silence me.  I know who they are, and will reveal them in a rather unflattering way.

Enough, let's get to the happy stuff:  

RoofConnect CEO Mr. David Workman and I had several meaningful, and productive conversations.  I believe he is an "Honorable", and decent person.  A TRUE Roofing Professional.


Mr. Workman writes:

Please excuse the quality of this image, but will try to offer a much cleaner view when the original document arrives.

Perhaps other roofing service providers can get the message, and choose "Honor" over scheming to defraud taxpayers and decimateing school roofing maintenance budgets.

RoofConnect is the ONLY national provider of roofing, and roofing services, that I endorse.  FINALLY, I've found a man, and and firm with integrity.

To reward his honesty, will suggest you contact RoofConnect if you have either one, or many properties in your portfolio.

Praying that others will follow his lead, and do what's right for public works ehtities, and taxpayers across this country.

Today, I can rejoice, but must immediately get back to work, chasing Purchasing Cooperatives, Garland, and Tremco who lie, cheat, and steal through "Bid Summaries" and predetermined outcomes.  

Soon, you will see if Mr. Steve Little, CEO of National Roofing Partners, gets the message, and turns away from his "Preferred Vendor":  Tremco.

I've invested many months researching them, and will present all public record pertaining to them, and you can decide.  I've tried to negotiate fairness with Mr. Little, a number of times, but to no avail.

Thank you again Mr. Workman for being a man of your word, and for not "going along" with people who force us to either participate in taxpayer abuse, or go hungry.. 

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accfept compensastion or personal advancement of any kind.

Reject negartivity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP". 

Much Respect.

Robert R. Solomon
Public Procurement Analyst
State Certified CCC1325620
Licensed Roofing Consultant

Friday, May 11, 2012

"What's HORRIBLY WRONG in Roofing Today"

Dear Friends:

I'm sorry to be away so long, but I've been literally consumed by hundreds of requests, and should have made time for you.  I am sorry, but maybe today we can share some thought.

I'd like to share a very disturbing issue currently within the roofing discipline, how it affects each and every one of you.  We will offset the dark mood with an uplifting post the next time (I promise).  This wiill be left to your interpretation, and as always, you can decide. Fair?

This is one of the biggest TAXPAYER SCAMS I've ever seen.  The topic:


Friends, I will assume most of you do indeed pay taxes, so when I refer to "Taxpayer Money", you should understand that to mean "My/Our/Your Money".  The government doesn't "Own" anything.  We "Own" it.

This is a VICIOUS, and DEEP ROOTED ABUSE OF TAXPAYER FUNDS.  Plain, simple, and to the point.

Well known, and well worn.  It is primarily an "Aggressive sales model" designed to "dupe" Facility Managers, Purchasing Agencies (whom are riddled with fraud and corruption), School Districts (their absolute favorite targets), and generally ALL PUBLIC WORKS.

Rarely, if ever, do they try this scam on a Private owner, because in that scenario, the person who "Owns" the building actually has to pay for it.  In Public works, there is no such person, unless you consider a corrupt purchasing agency a rational and reasonable caretaker of your money.

Let me tell you something I KNOW:  The money may always be traced back to it's source, and whoever "Approved" the expenditure is the "Root Cause". 

Now, let me put away my broad brush, and share what I consider to be a fair option.  Once the person who signed off on it has been notified of this "Closed Specification" favoring only ONE MANUFACTURER, and unnecessarily limiting the specification (normally written by the offending manufacturer), they should have an OPPORTUNITY to change the procurement method.

This may be accomplished in a very civil manner, but most agencies I've dealt with find it "Intrusive", circle the wagons, and here we go.  NEVER have I dealt with a public entity where this was not absolutely the case.  Advising them of a potential liability to the district would be considered a good thing, right?

Please shake that notion out of your head right now, because the exact opposite occurs.  For some ungodly reason, they will fight to the death for something they KNOW is wrong, rather than accept STATE LAW, and follow it.  They are far above any laws, or so they think.

Example:  Some of you may know I was involved in the following Investigative News Report for NEWS 9 in Oklahoma City.  Here is a video of that report, and it will help a great deal if you take a moment to view it:

That's between 3 and 6 MILLION dollars of taxpayer overpayment in Tulsa alone.  Can you just imagine the outrageous sum throughout the State of Oklahoma?  Attorney General, Mr. Scott Pruitt issued a demand letter to Oklahoma State Auditor Mr. Gary Jones.

The demand letter is included in the above report, and all you have to do is click on it.  Click on the rest of the documents as well, because Tremco and the School Districts are caught red handed.

Mr. Jones has done absolutely nothing, and thinks I'm THE ENEMY!!  I'm not the one who manipulated those millions of dollars.  I'm the one who helped EXPOSE IT!!  Bob LaBass is the guy the money can be traced back to, and as he chuckles before the camera, everything he says is FACTUALLY WRONG!

The good people of Oklahoma deserve better.  Much better.

They DEPEND upon everyone simply forgetting, but I will not forget, and will see it to conclusion.

For example:  Flagler County Schools (Florida) fought me for three months, and stuck tight to the side of their "Preferred Vendor".  In this case it was "Siplast".  I quoted the law, and they ignored it.  I explained they only need to add two words "Or Equal", and they'd be fine.  NO, they took the side of the vendor over the taxpayers.

But when I presented discovery of .....let me think of how I want to say this....A rather "Covert" proceeding behind closed doors, the projects were put on hold.  NEVER ONCE did they acknowledge it is wrong to "Exclude Competition".  The head of PURCHASING there by the way, was the one appointed to open the bids.  Uh Huh.

Their procurement now reads:

The link above will take you to the procurement in it's entirety, but this is a segment illustrating what they ultimately did.  All that aggravation and pain, because they wanted it "Their Way".  But now it appears the district sees it my way.  If not, I welcome their criticism, or criticism from anyone really.

For any other School Districts out there who may accidentally read this, please take note:

721 - Purchasing Policies and Bidding

From FCSB Board Policy


Policy 721

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for all purchases of materials, equipment, and services from District school funds. Only persons authorized by the Superintendent or School Board rules may make any purchase involving the use of school funds. Unauthorized expenditures shall not be approved by the School Board. The following provisions shall govern purchasing and bidding procedures for materials, equipment, and services:
  1. Authorization to Execute Purchase Orders. The Director of Purchasing or Purchasing Agent(s) shall be authorized to sign purchase orders.
  2. Development of and Adherence to Specifications. Purchases through bids and quotations procedures shall be based upon justification and specifications which are clear, definite, and certain as to character and quality and shall conform to standard specifications for the various classes of supplies, materials, parts, services, or equipment desired. Such specifications shall be conducive to securing the most economical price for the highest quality product which best meets the needs of the educational program. Specifications shall be as open as possible and it shall be made clear in the invitation to bid that use of a trade name does not give exclusive rights to that product. Preferential bidding shall not be permitted. The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for soliciting the assistance of District staff members who use the products to prepare specifications and to evaluate bids.
  3. Requirements for Competitive Bids. Bids shall be requested from three (3) or more sources for any purchase of materials, equipment, or service exceeding $25,000.00, unless the item is purchased on the basis of an established state contract, through approved on-line procurement, under the provisions of Subsections (12) or (13) herein, or is otherwise exempted from bidding by Florida Statutes or State Board of Education rules. (See Policy 723 for requirements for competitive bidding on materials, services, or service related to Facilities Operations and/or Construction projects.) A particular item or group of similar items which is anticipated to exceed a collective legally permitted total during the fiscal year shall be subject to the bid requirements as described herein.
  4. Standard Bid Procedures
    1. The Purchasing Department shall maintain a list of all potential bidders by category of commodity or service and shall include the names of all persons or firms that requested placement on the list. The Director of Purchasing or designee shall mail or email each request for bids to each person(s) and firm(s) on the list for that particular commodity and may mail or email the request for bids to other known persons or firms that are capable of providing the requested commodity.
    2. The Director of Purchasing may remove the name of any person or firm from the list upon failure to respond to three (3) consecutive requests for bids.
    3. The Superintendent or Director of Purchasing may remove the name of any unqualified or unreliable person or firm from the list. However, the person or firm may apply to the Director of Purchasing for reinstatement to the vendor list after being removed for one (1) year.
    4. Prior to issuance of a purchase order in excess of the threshold provided in 287.017, F.S. for Category Two, the vendor shall execute an affidavit, pursuant to Florida Statutes, certifying that neither the firm nor any or its principals have been convicted for a public entity crime and placed on the convicted vendor list within the previous thirty-six (36) months.
    5. Bid Receipt, Opening, and Tabulation. Sealed bids shall be received in the purchasing office at the time and date designated in the request for bids. All bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of at least one (1) School Board (Director/Administrator). The Purchasing Agent shall read aloud the name of the bidder and the amount and shall make recommendations to the Superintendent who shall make a recommendation to the School Board. The tabulation shall be signed by the Director of Purchasing and School Board employees in attendance. Bids received after the designated time shall not be accepted or considered.
    6. Award of Bids. Each bid shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best bid which meets specifications with consideration being given to the specific quality of the product, conformity to the specifications, suitability to school needs, delivery terms and service, local bidder preference and past performance of the vendor. In case of a tie, the recommendation shall be made by the flip of a coin. Samples of products may be requested when practical. The School Board shall reserve the right to reject any or all bids. All Bids submitted to the School Board for approval will be approved for validity by the Director of Purchasing.
    7. Public Inspection of Bids. Bids and quotations shall be made available for public inspection on the posting date and copies may be obtained subsequent to the posting date. The fee for photocopying shall be in accordance with the School Board entitled “Photocopying of Public Records.” Original bids and quotations and the transmittal envelopes shall not be removed from the purchasing office. Bid awards will be posted on the School District Purchasing Department website.
    8. Award to Other Than Low Bidder. Any bid recommendation other than the low bid shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Director of Purchasing giving the reasons and justification for such action as provided in Subsection (3) herein. Single or combination items may be considered in determining the recommendation.
    9. Electronic Bidding. Electronic bidding may be utilized when it is determined to be in the best interest of the District. All requirements for advance notification of bid specifications and date and time of bidding shall be met. Each bid shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best bid which meets specifications with consideration being given to the specific quality of the product, conformity to the specifications, suitability to school needs, delivery terms and service, and past performance of the vendor. Any bid recommendation other than the low bid shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Director of Purchasing giving the reasons and justification for such action. Documentation of the bid process shall be maintained for audit purposes.
    10. Bid Withdrawal. A bidder may withdraw a bid before the designated time for opening bids by submitting a written request to the Director of Purchasing and identifying the reason(s) for the desired bid withdrawal. A bidder shall not be permitted to withdraw a bid for any reason after the designated time for opening bids unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.
If you have any question regarding procurement laws in your state, please write to me at:

I will research them for you, but NO public entity should ever give the slightest impression of favoritism, nor shall they limit competition to one manufacturer, or contractor.

Remember, YOU own it, not them.  Roofing is not a "Specialty" item, and numerous manufacturers provide quality materials without having to CHEAT.

Since I've condemned bad behavior, let me praise good behavior.  37 years of experience have taught me the pitfalls of what I still consider to be a noble discipline.

NOTE:  This blogsite does not accept advertising money.  I am retired, and have been for 9 years at age 50.  I do not solicit, nor accept money from anyone for anything.  This includes manufacturers, consultants, distributors, or contractors, and can prove it in a court of law.

Friends, I'm prepared to place my 37 year career upon the honesty, and "Fair Play" of the following manufacturers:




GAF also makes fine residential products, and perhaps you will consider them for your residence.  They do manufacture (and stand behind) the number 1 selling shingle in the world ("Timberline").

Certainly a number of others will voice "Opinion", but I invite you to research them yourself.  One technique I use is to type in the company's name, followed by the words "School Roofing Scam".  Then I go to YouTube, and do the same thing.  You will see the names Tremco, and Garland quite a bit, but you will not see the manufacturers I've mentioned.  If you do, I want to hear about it.  So do they.

I'm often told to "Keep Quiet", but I'd rather tell you the truth here, than simply "Go Along".  Your TRUST in me may not be compromised.

Frankly, I hope that is one reason you spend time with me here. Many of you from across the globe visit with me, and I am humbled by the mere thought of it. 

As always, I will ask you to reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"
(this one is for CTA)


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Tampa, Florida

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Proprietary & Exclusionary Roofing Practices in Public Works"

This is a widespread practice in many public sectors, and our schools suffer for it.  I am proud to say that my district happens to be run by honorable people, whom I respect.  A rarity I'm afraid.

Many people tell me to walk softly around this issue, but I would rather be ground to dust, than be perceived as a coward.  So, I will share this data to with only after I've confirmed it to satisfaction.

The standard operating procedure of these scams are invented by, and perpetrated on, the public by a select group of roofing material manufacturers who would rather adopt a very aggressive sales model, than to compete fairly on the open market.

By "sales model", I mean "Proprietary Specifications".  They work to eliminate any competition, and create great hardship for my colleagues in the roofing discipline.  They also cause great harm to YOU, as taxpayers, as you end up paying exorbitant sums of money for absolutely no additional benefit.

I have NEVER seen this one time within the private sector, as that's a hard sell to someone who actually has to write the check.  For government, that "Real Money", is actually only numbers in boxes, because it's not coming out of their pockets.  In this way, the few are enriched, while the many suffer.   Frankly, I've grown tired of it, and am emboldened by my colleagues across the United States, who ask me to help.

I've made a very difficult, very dangerous, and very time consuming commitment to stand up for them.

You must understand the only real purpose of any contractor is to educate their staff, keep them safe, and provide a good working environment.  As a result, projects are secured, and workmen are able to earn a living, to nourish their families.

In the face of this monumental effort stands corruption, greed, and of course the money ALWAYS associated with it.  Apparently, souls may be purchased, and sold rather easily.

Below, you will find a very informative article written by my friend, Mr. Trent Cotney, Esq.  The first installment in this series so you can understand the premise of proper bidding procedure.  The article is being presented in it's entirety, and as it appeared in the West Coast Roofing Contractors Association's most recent issue:

Part I of II

A significant amount of roofing work in Florida involves work with state or
local government entities. These public entities use (or are supposed to use)
competitive bid procedures to procure the lowest bid for projects. If the bid
letting is not conducted in a competitive manner, then the bid letting may be
protested in accordance with published procedures. Generally, these procedures are governed by Florida Statutes and the Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

Chapter 120, Florida Statutes. This month’s article will focus on who may
commence a bid protest and under what circumstances. Next month’s article
will discuss the procedures involved with filing a bid protest.

Section 255.20, Florida Statutes, and Florida common law provide that
public contracts must be awarded under the rules of competitive bidding.
Section 255.20 generally applies to most public entities; however, there are
certain entities which are exempt from §255.20 and not every public entity is
subject to the bid protest procedures set forth in the APA.

By definition, in order for the bidding to be competitive, all bids must be
based on the same requirements and must be evaluated on the basis of the same
criteria. In other words, the bids must be capable of an “apples to apples”
comparison, and all of the criteria by which the bids will be judged must be
known to the bidders in advance.

Public competitive bidding must be done in a manner that is not arbitrary
or capricious, which can only be accomplished if the bids are compared
according to the same criteria set forth in the instructions to the bidders.
Moreover, because public monies are being spent, public competitive bidding
must be conducted in a manner to avoid even the appearance of collusion or

If a bid fails to comply with the instructions to bidders in some material
aspect, then the bid must be rejected as being non-responsive, because a nonresponsive bid cannot be compared “apples to apples” with bids that have
strictly followed the instructions to bidders.

If the contract is awarded to a bidder whose bid fails to comply with the instructions to bidders, then the award is made based on criteria other than the published criteria. In such a case, the award, by definition, is arbitrary or capricious because the letting authority has arbitrarily awarded the contract based on criteria that was not published and made known to all bidders. Awarding a public contract on the basis of criteria that was not made known to all bidders opens the door to favoritism and

Case law holds that a minor deviation from the instructions to bidders can
be ignored, but only if the deviation is not material, i.e., the deviation did not
result in an unfair economic advantage. See C.H. Barco Contracting Co. v. State
of Florida, Department of Transportation, 483 So2.d 796 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

The test for measuring whether a deviation is sufficiently material to destroy the
competitive nature of the bid process is “whether the variation affects the
amount of the bid by giving the bidder an advantage or benefit not enjoyed by
the other bidders.” See Harry Pepper & Associates, Inc. v. City of Cape Coral,
352 So.2d 1190, 1193 (Fla. 2nd DCA 1977).

In Harry Pepper, the apparent low bidder, Gulf Contracting (“Gulf”), sought to modify its bid after the other bids had been opened in order to bring its bid into conformity with the instructions to bidders. Gulf had based its bid on less expensive pumps rather than the pumps specified in the instructions to bidders.

The court held that Gulf’s bid deviation was deemed material and non-waiveable because Gulf had the ability to examine the other opened bids and decide whether or not it wanted to modify its bid and incur the additional expense of supplying conforming pumps to obtain the contract, or stand on its less expensive non-conforming pumps and not receive the award.

Gulf had the opportunity to decide whether it wanted the contract after all of the other bids had been disclosed. Gulf’s actions gave it an unfair advantage in the bidding process, which was not enjoyed by the other bidders in the process.

Similarly, in E.M. Watkins & Co. v. Board of Regents, 414 So.2d 583
(Fla. 1st DCA 1982), the apparent low bidder on a project submitted a
required list of subcontractors a few hours after the deadline for bid

The court deemed the bidder’s failure to timely submit the list to
be material and non-waiveable because the late submission facilitated
undesirable subcontractor bid shopping. The court came to this conclusion
even though there was no evidence that the bidder actually had received an
unfair advantage or benefit by submitting the subcontractor list after the bid
submittal deadline.

Generally, only bidders who could receive the award if their protest is
successful are allowed, i.e. have standing, to protest a bid. As such, courts
have held that potential bidders who fail to submit bids do not have standing
to contest the bid results. See Westinghouse Elec. Corp. v. Jacksonville
Transp. Auth., 491 So.2d 1238 (Fla. 1st DCA 1986).

A protestor must also demonstrate that it has a substantial interest in the outcome of the bid process, by showing that if the defects in the bid are remedied, then there is
a reasonable likelihood of the bidder winning the contract. See Preston
Carroll Co., Inc. v. Florida Keys Aqueduct Auth., 400 So.2d 524 (Fla. 3rd DCA

Author’s note: The information contained in this article is for general
educational information only. This information does not constitute legal advice, is
not intended to constitute legal advice, nor should it be relied upon as legal advice
for your specific factual pattern or situation.

Trenton Cotney, a shareholder attorney at Glenn Rasmussen Fogarty & Hooker, P.A., in
Tampa, Florida prepared this article. Trent is Florida Bar Certified in Construction Law, a
Florida Supreme Court Certified Circuit Mediator, Qualified Florida Court-Appointed
Arbitrator, General Counsel and a director of the Florida Roofing Sheet Metal and Air-
Conditioning Contractors Association (FRSA), a director of the West Coast Roofing
Contractors Association (WCRCA) and a member of Associated Builders and Contractors
(ABC). For more information, contact the author at 813-229-3333 or
I am deeply appreciative of Trent's unselfish work, and will highly recommend him to any roofing contractor as the very best within our discipline.  If you are unsure of something, or need help, Trent is the guy.  Period.
I thank each of you from the bottom of my heart for caring about what I have to say, and for taking time from your day to visit with me here.  YOU are the only reason I am here, and I am deeply grateful to my many visitors from around God's beautiful earth.

We will return to less complex issues soon, but I must do my best to protect the public interest.
Never despair, reject negativity in all forms, and for goodness' sakes, keep looking "UP".
Robert R. "Ron" Solomon