Sunday, June 30, 2013

"DaVinci Roofscapes: A Class Outfit, with A Class Product""

Most of you know that I don't often endorse manufacturers, or products.  But, when I'm impressed by a product, think it may be of interest to you as well.

Before I get into all the technical stuff, data, and pictures, let me share an observation about the company itself.

I've spent many millions of dollars on roofing products in my career.  It taught me about intangibles to the normal selection process, pricing, purchasing, and installation. 

If I were going to encumber my company by committing huge sums of money, I must develop a philosophy of  "Partnership", and who I wanted to "Partner" with.  It was going to be me answering the phone if the slightest problem were to arise.

The client paid me to make sure their phone didn't ring, and while it sounds simple, is harder than you think.  I knew my own personality, and "core values", but determining the "core values" of a representative, or manufacturer may sometime be difficult.  They are, after all, paid to sell material.

The DaVinci representative who visited me was a retired Colonel.  He was not a "Salesman" in the conventional sense. He never once discussed price, but educated me regarding benefits most roofers would not be interested in.  Like LEED, like recycling, like additional benefit for the end user.

When you start thinking about the "multidimensional" aspects of a roof, you are able to provide the client with many things other than a leak free roof.  Clean water runoff, energy reduction, LEED compliant, recyclable product, etc.

He was both serious, and sincere. Courteous, and receptive to courtesy.  Over the years, you develop a "sense" for those who are "passionate", and for those who seek only the precious P.O.  That "passion" goes a very long way when working with other "passionate" people.  You know you can rely on them to handle responsibilities.  After all, we get paid to solve problems, not give excuses to the client who is paying us with their hard earned money.

More than satisfied the company had a corporate sense of "core values", proceeded to install the product on an entry feature, and clubhouse on an exclusive golfing community.  The client was happy, I was happy, and we were able to achieve our profit margin through a surprisingly easy installation.

So, that is my personal observation, and experience with DaVinci Roofscapes.  Now I will share some data, and pretty pictures:

50-year Limited Warranties

DaVinci Slate and Shake roofing systems are products that will stand the test of time, providing beauty and durability for decades. Because of this, DaVinci roofing systems are backed by our 50-Year limited warranty.

Let me break this up a little by showing you a few representative images:


You can create any "look"  by determining a "pattern" that best suits a preference, or influenced by surroundins to "blend in".  I must share my preference for DaVinci on "cabins", "log homes", and other applications where the "flow" of the home is not interrupted.

Anyone reading this post will not be considering asphalt shingles.  "Paving" your roof with petroleum (and yes, including the color white) is not a remote consideration.

Here's why:  Asphalt shingles "attract" and "retain" the sun's radiant energy.  The brightest white shingle can easily reach temperatures of 180 degrees F., and create a "heat island effect".  Why would that matter?  The obvious answer in increased energy costs, but you are creating a "radiator" effect on nocturnal animals, and disrupting their habitat.

DaVinci products have no such drawbacks.

I would not offer concrete tile as an alternative, as it is extremely heavy, and places severe structural load on the building.  It is also very costly, and installation more difficult due to the weight of each concrete tile.  During a high wind occurence, these 8 lb. concrete tiles can be very destructive when airborne.

I love clay tiles.  But again, we must consider weight, and cost, as the airborne missile scenario is still present.  I've visited apartment complexes where a high wind event blew off thousands of concrete tiles, smashing cars, and the swimming pool was half full of concrete tiles that came to rest.

Davinci does not possess the same destructive impact.

The DaVinci product is "color through", and not a thin coat of paint as some concrete tiles offer.  This is a huge benefit, as the DaVinci system will naturally age.  I don't care what anybody says, but you may not expose any subset of roofing material to the sun, and not expect it to fade.  Some more than others, but it's a fact.

In closing, let me also suggest you inquire about a "synthetic" underlayment, and shy away from a petroleum underlayment.

Your home will have a LEED compliant roof (heat island effect), has reflective properties far greater than ANY asphalt shingle on the market.  You can find that information with the Cool Roof Rating Council.  I'll do a post on them next time.

I consider the DaVinci product desireable for many reasons, and I consider DaVinci Roofscapes to be an honorable firm.  I've trusted them, and was not disappointed.  Perhaps they are worthy of your consideration?

DaVinci Roofscapes, LLC
1413 Osage Avenue, Kansas City, KS 66105
Toll Free: 855-299-5301

A reminder:  I have been retired for ten years now.  During this time, I have not accepted, nor solicited compensation, or personal advancement of any kind.  That includes manufacturers, consultants, distributors, or contractors.

I work for you.  I work for all taxpayers. I work for the environment.  My words truly "Independent", and I offer them to you as my civic responsibility only. Here, we do not consider political points of view, liberal, or conservative.  I am absent of influence, and only offer data, so you can make an informed choice.  Nothing more.

As alweays, I am humbled you spend time with me here, and care one bit about what I have to say.  I consider it a privilege to share a skill set with you.

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620 (Florida Certification)



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