The "Are you smarter than Wal Mart"? question should have gotten your attention.
Okay, Ron, what do you mean by that? What I mean is that Wal Mart is the most "Sustainability Conscious" corporation in the United States. The statement is documented, and I have witnessed them in action many times.
You may be used to the daily news about some group suing Wal Mart every day in your newspaper, but that information will be next to the McDonald's, and Coca-Cola lawsuits. Suits are not claimed against people without money obviously, as a judgement for 10 million dollars against someone who is without resources is worth exactly $0.00. "Easy Money" chasers don't have any complaints against you or I for that reason alone. So, I just wanted to say thank you for the good they do, and show them in a more positive way.
1.) Wal Mart is the largest private consumer of electricity in the United States.
2.) Wal-Mart contributes $250,000,000.00 dollers each year for education and sustainability advancement.
I'd like you to actually be on top of a Wal Mart, like the one above. The surface is vast at 250,000 sq. ft. , and reflects approximately 80% or more of the sun's radiant energy AWAY from the structure. Average heat gain on this roof (TPO, or Thermoplastic Polyolefin) is only 10 degrees F., where a petroleum based white granular surfaced modified bitumen can easily have a heat gain of over 100 degrees F.
That's a no brainer right? Well, yes it is, and Physicist, Nobel Laureate, and U.S. Secretary of Energy, Dr. Steven Chu, is in complete agreement. Please take two minutes to view Dr. Chu's video on the topic.
Pretty simple, right? Well the problem is that only a miniscule number of government agencies care one bit about this. Roofing is probably the most boring topic on earth, and I know it. But, for goodness sakes, let's use a small measure of common sense here.
I can only imagine the amount of money Wal Mart spends on energy each year, but the decision on synthetic white reflective roof saves an average of 20% in energy costs. The only difference between Wal Mart, and your government, is that Wal Mart has to pay this money out of their own pocket, and government does not.
All I hear is "we need to save energy" 24 hours a day, yet the government will not participate. Let us try an example: I had an energy model done (Courtesy: Carlisle Syntec) on a 200,000 sq. ft. school, which is an average sized high school.
The purpose of the energy model was to compare "side by side" white granular modified bitumen roofing to TPO synthetic. Both roofs were over R=19 insulation, and the warranty term was 30 years.
Amazingly, the white TPO roof:
Saved $455,000.00 in energy costs over the term of the warranty.
Saved 77,000 lbs. carbon.
My friends, that's ONE school. Soon, I will actually do an up front installed cost comparison, but I know for sure the petroleum system will be far more expensive. So, you've got a petroleum roof, costs more to install, and creates 20% more energy demand. I have not met one person to date who can defend this position.
So far, I've only used schools as an example, but when you get into all government portfolios, the numbers easily climb into the billions of dollars. AND, YOU'RE PAYING MORE FOR A PETROLEUM ROOF!! I find this almost staggering, and you will not believe the great difficulty I have convincing government this is "Low Hanging Fruit".
I had a three hour discussion with a Professor of Advanced Electrical Engineering, at a major university. The blinds were open, and the view was over a white petroleum modified bitumen roof. He said, "well, we don't have that problem because our roofs are white". First of all, the Dr. was very kind to spend so much time with me, and the visit was very informative, and to me, rewarding.
But, my point is that people of very advanced education, do not consider simpl;e physics, and most importantly "Radiant Absorption". The roof remains hot well into the evening, and creates "Heat Islands", of which there is no excuse. You LEED AP's can read page 95 V2.2, and understand the importance, and simplicity.
Wal Mart is passing on the savings to you, where the government is in your other pocket spending it. The DOE has spent over 400 Billion taxpayer dollars, and you would think we'd have this very simple topic as common knowledge. It's not me folks, it's the Secretary of Energy telling you the same thing.
The three images above are from Tampa Museum of Art. This was my last project prior to retirement, but it's a beauty. Sitting downtown, directly on the Hillsborough River, and across the river from the University of Tampa. The roof was toured by every governmental leader imaginable, and I open my newspaper to read that nothing about it is "Green". I immediately made an appointment with the City Council member who said it, and we got that cleared up. If not for the vicious fight to switch from a petroleum roof to the white synthetic, she may have been right. At any rate, I am proud to know the energy consumption was greatly reduced by this roof system. It's the "little victories" right?
I know how tough times are, but if you have a spare nickle I know will be well spent, please click on the "Sustainable Florida" logo at the upper left, and share if you can. I've been associated with them for four years now, and can attest to their frugality, and purpose. Mr. Tim Center will be your contact person there.
The next few months will bring great adventure to me in the form of intriguing challenges. I welcome them with great enthusiasm, and will try to share the details with you here.
It is with great humility I accept your time with me here, and I am so very thankful. Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".
Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
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