Thursday, October 24, 2013

"TCPN favors Tremco "Associates" and abuses taxpayers"

TCPN as Tremco Roofing Exclusive Sales Team:

I will prove to you that TCPN has a very unhealthy financial interest in Tremco/WTI.  I would like to tell you that is unique, but it isn't.  The purchasing cooperative does not get paid to SAVE money, they get a COMMI$$ION of 4%.   Where is the incentive?

The more it costs, the more they make.  Period.

Would a rational person (taxpayer) approve of this method?  Of course not.  But, they are unaware, because they "Trust" others to care about our schools, and tax dollars.  The opposite is true, and permeates the very core of all government purchasing ciooperatives.

This example illustrates the nepotism, esoteric companies formed only to funnel money away from you.  I will make an attempt to bring them to you, and also continue to fight for fair bidding practices that do not excludee competition as TCPN does.

Let us begin.

The messages were sent to: 

First message:

"Dear Sir:

Roof Consultant's Institute, and my group Roof Consultant's Alliance
(5,000+ members combined) take great exception to roofing services  contracted
through government purchasing cooperatives.

"TCPN will receive 4% of the total revenue from each PO executed  under
this contract. This fee will be included in the contractor's pricing  proposal and will not be
issued as a separate line item in any job proposals  issued to client members.

This contract management fee will be required to be  paid within thirty days of the completion of any work order".

TCPN is essentially a commissioned salesperson, and the more roofing
services cost, the more TCPN makes.  All incentive to achieve a lower price  is
immediately vacated.  Shameful.

We are fed up with terms like:

Proprietary Specifications
Sole Source Agreement
Preferred Vendor
Line Item Contract
Job Order Contract

They are designed only to circumvent fair, open, and transparent, competitive bid laws of every state in this country.

I see one of your preferred vendors is WTI/Tremco.  Are you aware they
were just handed a federal fine of $61,000,000.00 for abusing GSA "Line Item"

WHO is "Weatherproofing Technologies'?


Let's check TCPN's website for roofing contracts:

Job Order Contracting (JOC) Services (AZ) Weatherproofing Technologies 3/31/2015R5155
Job Order Contracting (JOC) Services (LA) Weatherproofing Technologies 2/28/2015R5229
Job Order Contracting (JOC) Services (MI) Weatherproofing Technologies 3/31/2015R5121
Job Order Contracting (JOC) Services (MI) (Federally Funded Projects) Weatherproofing Technologies 3/31/2015R5122
Job Order Contracting (JOC) Services (TX) Weatherproofing Technologies 10/31/2014R5101
Roofing, Roof Repairs, Roof Maintenance Progressive Roofing 10/31/2014MO928

Who is Progressive Roofing?  A "Division" of Progressive Services.

Here is the "appointment" by TCPN to make Progressive Roofing a "partner", as they all like to say.

That document will show you that Progressive Roofing submits some convuleted mess of numbers to TCPN for contract award.  NOT to a municipality, or any public works.  ALL COMPETITION has been effectively eliminated by the Vendor, and TCPN, although they keep saying "Competitively Bid", they are not.

TCPN is getting 4% (minimum) for jacking up roofing prices.  It really is that simple.  Tremco and Progressive Roofing are more than happy to oblige them.

Now, attorneys across the nation are seeking additional retribution, and
the cases include defective materials, and even the roofing applicators
themselves?  The data is very easy to furnish if that is your  pleasure.

We normally see either Tremco, or Garland as the only ones represented in
government purchasing cooperatives, and that is not by accident.  It's by


I've shown these individually before, as they are public record.  But Ms. Campbell (please visit her site for so much more information) has them organized for you.

On YouTube:

Print media:

How about some RPM/Tremco stock selloff by Corporate?

(Note: items in red were not included in my original message to TCPN)

RPM Insider Trading Transactions for RPM International Inc.

Folks, you MUST read this link, and see the massive sell off.  This is the SAME company that TCPN is using exclusively.  A lot of money is flowing folks, and none of it reaching our schools.

They've  appointed a past Attorney General and official of DOJ (specialty in bid  rigging) to
the Tremco board as well.  Does that sound above board to  you?

I could go on, but the pattern does not change, and think I've proven my

Tremco, and Garland "Salesmen/women" are paid exorbitant commissions
(25%).  That means for every tax dollar designated for roof replacement, or
repairs, only 75% actually gets there.  A vicious taxpayer assault in my  view,
and that of any rational person.

You are causing great hardship to taxpayers in this country, and to my
Brothers and Sisters within the roofing discipline who seek a fair opportunity
to bid for their own taxpayer dollars.

The path is well worn by Tremco, and Garland.

You, as a government purchasing cooperative facilitate this heinous assault
 on taxpayers, and the roofing world is vehemently opposed to it.

Don't believe me?  I've attached the words of a Garland Salesman, and
proudly listed in his profile.

AEPA, NJPA, US Communities, and TCPN are all variations on the same theme
since in the past - Tremco mostly won. In some cases, the copy cats like
Garland  and Hickman were successful.

The line item bid process is far from a true bid process where the low
company gets the work. Individual line items receive an estimate that is then
arbitrarily weighted. Whoever wins the most line items wins that portion of
the  bid.

In some cases, manufacturers are forced to bid on line items that they are
legally precluded from like the provision of design services. In the case
of  AEPA, the contract has more points riding on masonry restoration than on
roofing  services. At the end of the day, the line item portion is only a
fraction of the  rating system used to select a vendor since other subjective
measures come into  the picture that are not clearly defined to those of us
on the outside trying to  figure out their scoring system.

In the recent CV Schools lawsuit, found the AEPA process was flawed in that
 no due diligence was ever done to ensure that the schools got market compet
itive  numbers. When pressed they claimed that they never promised to
provide a more  competitive price.

If you read their marketing materials, you will find that this is not
accurate since most school districts are left with the impression that they are
getting a competitive number and the contract has been  "pre-competed".

In addition to their recent board addition, I also saw that they had added
an attorney with an extensive background at the DOJ with experience (12+
years)  with bid rigging.

At the moment, it is going on with a current RFP, and we will vigorously
protest if not withdrawn.

TCPN (see attachment)

Due  Oct 28

RFP states: "TCPN (The  Cooperative Purchasing Network) intends to enter into Roofing Products and  Services Contract(s) for the construction, maintenance, repair and  alteration services related to roofing systems. These contracts will be  available for use by all public entities such as ESC's, ISD/USD's,  universities, city and county governments, community colleges, state and  federal agencies in these United States and other jurisdictions."

I would appreciate acknowledgement of receipt by all copied, and will await
 your response.

The purpose of this writing is to advise you of certain misconduct, and
make you aware.  I am praying you see the copious data as illustrative,
informative, and helpful.  Everything I write is for public consumption,  and you
are free to share it with anyone you wish.  Particularly Tremco,  and the
school district.

How shall we proceed?




Without benefit of reply, sent a second message to each member:

"Dear Sir:

Again: Roofing must be completely removed from your list of services, and a letter signed by the BOD to enforce it.  This is my minimum requirement.  

TCPN is a "Front" for Tremco, and that much is known, and certain.

Taxpayers cannot afford the unnecessary exposure to liability that TCPN, R4,Tremco/WTI/RPM brings.  Lawyers are now seeking testimony from Tremco "Approved Applicators", and have no reason to believe they will stop there. 

If you impose your will upon the taxpayers, the burden will fall to you.  Consider this friendly advice, and a certainty.  RPM's 61 million dollar federal fine is real, and explaining why you SPECIFICALLY choose them as a "Preferred Vendor", using "Line Item" contracting (the same thing they were guilty of with the GSA) might be a tough sell. 

Ignoring a reasonable concern will not make it go away.  I will expand my complaint now to include Directors of R4 Enterprises, LLC.  I have also become interested in your "non-profit" status, as I believe it to be overreaching, and unlawful.

It is a simple matter of "connecting the dots", and I will connect them.  That is a given.  Doing pretty good so far don't you think?

TCPN (all), "Pechacek" (all), Tremco (all), and R4 Enterprises, LLC (all), seem to be heavily dependent upon the favor of each other.  The "sleight of hand" is exceptionally clumsy, compared to most bid rigging themes.

Are the taxpayers served?  Of course not.

I am presenting you with fact.

If you want the protest on an "Official" form, please send it to me for completion.  But THIS is my official protest form.


"As a Principal Roofing Consultant at Tremco, I have over 22 years of relevant experience within the municipal, county, state and federal governmental markets; in addition to K thru 12 and Higher Education. I am disciplined in the inspection, analysis, expert reporting, document development, project management and programming for all building envelope components including roofing, waterproofing and dam proofing assemblies. My success in this industry has been built upon relationships of trust with my clients. I believe in long-term roofing solutions and am available, as ‘The Reliable Resource’ for my client’s roof management needs".


Robert A. Pechacek

Email To Friend

Robert A. Pechacek's Biography

Type Of Business:

Government company

Marketing Area:



Governmental marketing

Major Product/SVS:

Professional development and technical assistance for school districts



Education Degrees:

MBA, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012); Bachelor's Degree in Accounting, Oral Roberts University (1987)

Affiliations Awards:

Texas Association of School Business Officials; Government Finance Officers Association of Texas; Association of Educational Service Agencies; Association of School Business Officials International


Volunteer, Local Church

Number Of Years In Profession:


Number Of Years In Current Position:


What Does He/She Attribute Success To:

He attributes his success to his background in auditing, the customer service skills he learned from his father and the support he received from his mentors.

Why did you become involved in your profession or industry?:

He became involved in his profession after gaining experience working as a financial auditor.

Position Responsibilities and Duties:

Heading the companies

Where Will You Be In 5 Years:

In five years, Mr. Pechacek plans to continue to expand and start new businesses
"Texas Association of School Business Officials; Government Finance Officers Association of Texas; Association of Educational Service Agencies; Association of School Business Officials International
Public testimony".


Andy  Pechacek, the CEO of R4 Enterprises LLC

Andy Pechacek

Entrepreneur and Management Consultant
President/CEO at R4 Enterprises, LLC

Representative Profile
David Naber - Houston, TX
Southeast Texas and Louisiana
Telephone: (281) 358-4957

If you care to offer a reasonable conclusion, I am happy to hear it. 

If not, I will piece it all together into presentation form, and take our chances.  Please do not make me invest a huge amount of time into "Bid Rigging", although that's exactly what this is.

Note:  Not one of great sensitivity, am insulted that you, nor one person copied had the decency (much less courtesy) to reply. 

I am dedicated to a civil, fact based, discussion.  If you are amenable to such a theme, I would appreciate it.

Soon, I will have to report my progress to the taxpayers, and the lawmakers sworn to protect them.

Ms. Bushnell seems to be an important component in this "process" as well.  As Counsel, she should know better than to expose TCPN to such a vulnerable position.  I welcome her input.

What's your pleasure?




Finally, received this reply from:

"Mr. Solomon,

We are in receipt of your correspondence dated October 16, 2013 and October 20, 2013.  We are in a quiet period for this solicitation until the deadline when the proposals are due. We will not comment on any solicitations currently being advertised.


Tray Moses
Director of Operations/Business Development
11280 West Road
Houston, TX 77065
Direct Line 713.554.0557
TCPN Main 713.554.0437
Cell 979.877.8583

Sorry to interrupt "Quiet Time".

My position is not based upon a SINGLE project, but their methods of jamming Tremco down the throats of our schools, and of you the taxpayer.  This is how Tremco shuts out competiition, and people like TCPN are more than happy to go along.

This is proven by their association with R4 Enterprises, LLC.

Alternate Names:

  • The Cooperative Purchasing Network - Assumed
  • Tcpn - Assumed
  • R4 Enterprises LLC - Legal
You will note that R4 Enterprises, LLC is comprised of at least one Tremco employee.

Key People & Organizations for R4 Enterprises LLC

Overview of R4 Enterprises LLC in Houston, TX

R4 Enterprises LLC filed as a Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC) in the State of Texas on Wednesday, July 20, 2011 and is approximately two years old, according to public records filed with Texas Secretary of State. The filing is currently active as of the last data refresh which occured on Monday, October 21, 2013. A corporate filing is called a foreign filing when an existing corporate entity files in a state other than the state they originally filed in. This does not necessarily mean that they are from outside the United States.

Key People

Angela Bishop serves as the Director and has interests in other corporate entities including H-Ram Holdings, LLC, Kinetic Group LLC .

Robert Pechacek is the Director of R4 Enterprises LLC. Robert's additional corporate interests include Kinetic Group LLC .

  Jason Wickel The Director of R4 Enterprises LLC . Jason has other corporate interests including Kinetic Group LLC located in .

Angela G. Bishop is also the registered agent for the company. Also known as a statutory or resident agent, the registered agent is responsible for receiving legal notifications regarding court summons, lawsuits, and other legal actions involving the corporate entity.
We'll soon work on "The Kinetic Group, and reveal what we find here.

D&B Company Report
  • 3 Active Members Found

Key roles for R4 Enterprises LLC

Director, Member Governing Person

Director, Member Governing Person

Director, Member

Corporate Records

Texas Secretary of State
Filing Type: Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC)
Status: Active
State: Texas
State ID: 801455253
Date Filed: Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Registered Agent Angela G. Bishop

Alternate Names:

  • The Cooperative Purchasing Network - Assumed
  • Tcpn - Assumed
  • R4 Enterprises LLC - Legal

That Friends, is OBSCENE by any stretch of the imagination.

I will report back on this development if TCPN, Tremco, and R4 Enterprises, LLC., admit to this obvious wrongdoing, and ceases.

If there is no such admission (although supported by public record), I will take you along for the ride.


I will no longer participate in any activities not directly related to "Roof Consultant's Alliance" or "Public Roofing Procurement".  You will see no mention of  manufacturers, distributors, consultant's, or contractors, who are not either the problem, or not committed to solving the problem.

If I am to protect taxpayers everywhere, may not be dependent upon the ambitions of others.  

I will try harder to condense these posts for you, but every turn I take reveals more.  Collecting this material is time consuming, and I'll try harder to bring it to you in a more "Professional" format.  For now however, you're stuck with facts, and a few illustrative photos.

Soon, I hope to do some audio "break downs" for you, as I present documents, and share the meanings with you. 

Please note that I alone am responsible for every word I say here.  I encourage constructive criticism, or factual corrections.

Thank you for visiting with me today.  Please reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620 (Florida)

Note:  If you want to find out anything about me, just type my name in your browser.  It's all there, and my Linkedin full profile is quite complete. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

"TREMCO eliminates fair competition for roofing in Missouri Schools"

You taxpayers in Missouri will be asking yourselves "Where'd the money go"?  Why are our schools broke?

I would like the good people of Missouri to see where their tax dollars are going.  Here is yet another "No Compete" setup designed only to funnel tax dollars AWAY from their intended purpose: "SCHOOLS".

How do cities like Detroit go bankrupt?

How come our schools have no money?

When you have a manufacturer, acting as a consultant, specifying only their materials, on a public project, it is ILLEGAL!

The lawyers have gotten loose after Tremco's 65 Million dollar federal fine, and are chasing down all Tremco's Public, and Private clients.  The attorneys are also questioning the roofing contractors involved (per attorney's listed in recent posts) .

This is what the carnage looks like:

If you are not adept at reading public roofing specifications, it may be hard to sift through.  But what you need to know is that Missouri lawmakers are allowing this to happen.  By "this", I mean "no compete" bids through purchasing cooperatives.

If anyone can find anything that resembles fairness, or taxpayer value, please do correct me.

We will all be better served writing to the people listed in the link I've provided.

I do not like this fight.  I do not like spending every waking hour on it.  It takes me away from my responsibilities to the 2,800 members of RCA, and I don't like that either.

My demeanor is to be upbeat, and fun. Unfortunately those characteristics don't go far when dealing addressing Tremco, Garland, or Public Administrators.  Here, only the facts count, and you are the judge.

When it comes to public structures, and taxpayer money, I care only about "Fact", and "Fairness".

You will get neither from those who wish to enrich themselves, at the expense of our schools.

Today, I am happy, smiling, and productive.  It is sometime difficult to stay there, but I encourage you to reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620

Sunday, September 22, 2013

"Bloated Nuclear Spending (Including Roofing) Comes Under Fire"

"In Tennessee, the price tag for a new uranium processing facility has grown nearly sevenfold in eight years to upward of $6 Billion dollars that include a redesgn to raise the roof".

Nation's bloated nuclear spending comes under fire

Posted: Sep 13, 2013 12:27 AM EDT Updated: Sep 13, 2013 12:17 PM EDT

Associated Press
I believe the descriptions are fairly common, and representative of public procurement practicing "Favoritism", "Sole Source" bids, and assisting "Preferred Vendors".
They discuss "Private Contractors".  Those "Private Contractors" are facilitated by the complete negligence of "Competitive Bid" laws in every state.
You and I expect fair competition for our tax dollars, but lobbyists, attorneys, and government purchasing cooperatives, spend huge sums of money to secure favor.  "Favor" that is virtually limitless when spending YOUR money.
"Virtually every major project under the National Nuclear Security Administration's oversight is behind schedule and over budget - the result, watchdogs and government auditors say, of years of lax accountability and nearly automatic annual budget increases for the agency responsible for maintaining the nation's nuclear stockpile.
The NNSA has racked up $16 billion in cost overruns on 10 major projects that are a combined 38 years behind schedule, the U.S. Government Accountability Office reports. Other projects have been cancelled or suspended, despite hundreds of millions of dollars already spent, because they grew too bloated.
Advocates say spending increases are necessary to keep the nation's nuclear arsenal operating and safe, and to continue cutting-edge research at the nation's nuclear labs. But critics say the nuclear program - run largely by private contractors and overseen by the NNSA, an arm of the U.S. Energy Department - has turned into a massive jobs program with duplicative functions.

"The post-Cold War nuclear warhead complex has become a gigantic self-licking ice cream cone for contractors," said Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group, a watchdog organization".
 This may be a bit too off topic for those in the roofing discipline, but the $6 Billion dollars spent on ONE "Private Contractor" (I will research that further) to "raise the roof" is bizarre.

Initial report indicates it was to allow new equipment to be installed.

By comparison, the complete cost, furnished and installed, taxes included, to build a high school in my district is $52 Million dollars.  When you can "visualize" the money, it becomes "Real", instead of numbers with zeros behind them.

If you want to "see" what the numbers represent in terms of "Real Money", take a look:

"$100 Million Dollars = 1 year of work for 3500 average Americans

Here are 2000 people standing shoulder to shoulder, looking for a job.
The Federal Reserve's mandate is to maintain price stability and low unemployment.
The Federal Reserve prints money based on the assumption that increasing money supply will boost jobs.

If you want to "see" what the numbers represent in terms of "Real Money", take a look:

Respect to:

$100 Million Dollars = 1 year of work for 3500 average Americans.

Here are 2000 people standing shoulder to shoulder, looking for a job.

The Federal Reserve's mandate is to maintain price stability and low unemployment.

The Federal Reserve prints money based on the assumption that increasing money supply will boost jobs.


One Billion Dollars:
$1,000,000,000 - You will need some help when robbing the bank.
Interesting fact: $1 million dollars weighs 10kg exactly.

You are looking at 10 tons of money on those pallets."

"One BILLION Dollars"
Back to the astonishing waste, please read further:
"U.S. Sen. Claire McCaskill, chairwoman of the Senate Homeland Security financial and contracting oversight subcommittee, said a key problem is the Energy Department's reliance on private contractors to carry out its mission. The DOE has fewer than 16,000 employees and more than 92,000 contractors.
"Unfortunately for the taxpayer ... cost overruns, scheduled delays and technical failures are the rule, not the exception," said McCaskill, D-Mo. "We need to find a better way to do this because we can't just afford the status quo anymore."

The retired head of one of those contractors, former Lockheed Martin CEO Norman Augustine, told Congress this spring that the absence of day-to-day accountability and an ineffectual structure at the NNSA pose a national security risk. He described a "pervasive culture of tolerating the intolerable and accepting the unacceptable."

DOE and NNSA officials agree there are problems. Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said earlier this month that addressing the cost overruns, and also embarrassing security breaches at some facilities, is a top priority. A congressionally appointed panel, co-chaired by Augustine recently began studying a potential overhaul of the NNSA".

Okay, I will slow down my "alarmist" rhetoric, but frankly, you should be "alarmed" by the definition of public procurement that is destroying "competition" for your money.

The problem is we think money withheld from an individual's paycheck means almost nothing.  They bite it off in such big chunks, that we've become numb to it. 

Often, I hear people complaining about out of control government spending.  I've just laid out for you here, the same way I will lay it out to my government representatives.  I think the moral is to not complain about things you are not willing to solve yourself.

I will return to Public Roofing Procurement in my next post, but felt this news, and illustrations, were necessary to put things into perspective.

A gold star to anyone who cared enough to read and comprehend the post today.  I do know it is mind numbing at times, but I happen to think your money is important.  Any money they take from you must result in a "benefit" for you, the taxpayer.  Not a "Burden" that comes at the hands of unfit people, running unfit purchasing schemes.

As you know, I do not discuss politics here, as I think "shared blame" of politicians on both sides is more appropriate.  Fair?

Please reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance




Thursday, September 19, 2013

"Garland's top "Salesman" (New Jersey) reaps 1.25 MILLION in commissions"

Friends, if you would like to see where your roofing tax dollars are going, courtesy of Garland Roofing Materials, please see the sales commissions printout here:

In black and white, you will see their top salesman (New Jersey) pocketed over 1.25 MILLION dollars in commissions (almost exclusively, if not entirely, government work).

Now, I would like someone to tell me how wrong I am about seeking fairness, and open competition when bidding public projects.

Do you work hard?  Do you work real hard?  Most of you do, and I bet you don't pocket 5 MILLION dollars for it.

Taxpayers are violently upset about government waste, and you need look no further than Garland to find out why.

It is this simple, but will keep repeating it:

NO government entity has the right to exclude competition for taxpayer dollars.  They may not write unnecessarily restrictive specifications that favor only ONE manufacturer.  A material manufacturer MAY NOT act as a roofing consultant, specifying only their materials.  It is against the law in all 50 states, and throughout Canada.

Tremco, an outfit very similar to Garland just got a federal fine of 65 MILLION dollars for abusing GSA 'line item" contracting.

In a previous post I furnished you a whole series on Garland's Apology Tour (what do you suppose brought that on?).  These people care about one thing, and everyone within the roofing discipline knows I'm right.
If any of you are ever up against a Garland Specification (certainly it will be a government job), show them the Garland "Commission Chart", and ask them if sliding a 25% commission into a salesman's pocket seems either reasonable or fair.

The more money he gets for that hideously overpriced roof, the better for him.  Where on earth is the incentive to seek value for the taxpayer dollars WASTED in this mess?

It does not make sense to immediately reduce your school roofing tax dollars to .75 each.  No sense at all.

They would have you think they are installing a "Superior" roof system, and they are not.
We're tired of the sleight of hand.  We're tired of people whose only purpose is to defraud our government, and us, the taxpayers.  EVERY school district in the country should consider themselves advised, because when it comes down, you'll be all alone in the investigative news report, and it will be you who carries the same.

Again, much respect to Ms. Campbell for her sacrifice.  
I think all public officials should read what she has to say.  There you will find both fact, and public record.

I appeal to you, on behalf of every published state law, and every taxpayer everywhere.  Common sense, and adherence to the law must be forthcoming as the Garland show continues to play at your expense.

They bring only shame to our discipline.

Thank you for spending time again with me today.  Please reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".

We will get through this.

I promise.


Monday, September 16, 2013

Garland Corporate "We're Innocent" Tour in Videos.

Please watch, and LISTEN carefully.

Garland is going to tell you that Public Procurement is the same as Private Procurement.  That government has the right to buy anything they want.

Trying to circumvent that nasty "taxpayer" thing again.  The only problem with that is Private owners may spend their money as they wish.  It's their money.

Public Procurement is spending taxpayer dollars, not their own.  You and I own buildings, not the government.  By Garland's reasoning, all public officials could drive Mercedes 600's, and get away with it.  Absurd reasoning, and that's their problem.

NO Politician would ever come out in favor of "No Compete" scenarios, favoring only one supplier.  By the way, when Garland talks about "Consulting", that is positiively illegal.  It is against all procurement law that prohibit a consultant/manufacturer specifying only their material to a public entity.

Looks like Garland is stressed over the Tremco heat.  Funny how they can call another roofing manufacturer a "Bad Apple".  Please notice that each of them say the government, or their "Partners" have the right to buy anything that makes them happy.  and equate Public Procurement with Private Enterprise.

Each of them say "I don't know what this could possibly be about", yet a couple of them refer to investigations by the government. GAF, Firestone, and Carlisle don't have to make "We're Not Guilty" videos.

Please enjoy:




Thank you for spending time with me here, and I hope you are seeing the assault on taxpayers, perpetrated by only a few roofing material manufacturers.  These investigations are now bleeding over to the roofing contractors for "played along".

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620 (Florida)

Saturday, September 14, 2013

"Public Roofing Procurement"

Friends, over the years I've developed a specialty niche within the public roofing procurement field.  Thousands of hours in research are spent bringing you the truth.

The sastisfaction of protecting taxpayers, by assuring their roofing tax dollars go further, is my highest motivation.

Many of you know I have no interest in what private consumers do. They are spending money that belongs to them.  The private market is self policing and quickly balances benefit and value.

Public procurement however, is far behind in roofing technology. In most cases it receives inflated pricing through the use of purchasing cooperatives.  Purchasing cooperatives are the "middle man" between our schools (all public structures) and factually, is a "Commissioned Salesman".

Their revenues (commissions) are increased when the cost of a new roof is increased.  The public pays more, yet receives less with no additional benefit.  This system is obviously flawed, as all incentive to "save" money is absent. 

This may be a good time to tell you that many purchasing cooperatives make "arrangements" to get their "preferred vendor" listed as the only source of purchase.  The "preferred vendor" in many cases pay their sales representatives a full 25% commission.  That means that $0.25 of every $1.00 in taxes spent, goes straight into a "salesman's" pocket.

Rational people, with their own money, do not buy goods or services in this way.  So why is the money from taxpayers different?  Taxpayer money seems more "distant",  perhaps less "personal", but it isn't.  It's "REAL" money, earned by people who've worked hard for it, and expect value as well as serviceability for it.

Let me share that (without exception) every state in the Republic has "Fair Competition" or 'Competitive Bidding" laws in place.  The same is true for all territories and provences of Canada.  Purchasing Cooperatives circumvent these laws through fraudulent bidding procedures designed to suit their purpose.

The fraudulent aspect is the use of such terms as: "Line Item Contracting", "Sole Source Contracting", "Proprietary Specifications" and "Job Order Contracting".  Following, I will try my best to define each "technique" for you:

A.)  Proprietary Specifications:

"A proprietary specification is one which requires the use of a sole source product. Bidders are responsible for determining the cost and sources of the items specified. It is a contractor's obligation to raise questions to the Government concerning purported proprietary items prior to bid submission and opening, not afterward.

In order to recover under a theory of proprietary specifications, a contractor must prove that (1) the specifications described the characteristics of only one standard product, (2) it submitted data describing an equal substitute product, (3) the substitute was of the same standard of quality."

B.)  Sole Source Contracting:

"A sole source contract implies that there is only one person or company that can provide the contractual services needed in that any attempt to obtain bids would only result in one person or company being available to meet the need.  A contract may be awarded for a supply, service or construction item, without the necessity of competition, when the contracting officer determines in writing that one of the following statutory conditions exists:
  1. Only a single contractor is capable of providing the supply, service or construction.
  2. Federal and state statute, or  federal regulations exempts the supply, service or construction from the competitive procedure.
  3. The total cost of the supply, service or construction is less than the amount established by the State System for small, no-bid procurements as dictated by the policy on small procurements.
  4. It is clearly not feasible to award the contract for supplies or services on a competitive basis.
  5. The services involve the repair, modification or calibration of equipment and they are to be performed by the manufacturer of the equipment or by the manufacturer’s authorized dealer, provided the contracting officer determines that bidding is not appropriate under the circumstances.
  6. The contract for supplies or services is in the best interest of the Commonwealth.
Before entering into a sole source contract, a statement of justification must be sent in advance to university legal counsel certifying that the contract is appropriate as a sole source. University Legal Counsel will review the statement then either approve or disapprove the certification."

C.)   Line Item Contracting: 

This is a copy of a roofing manufacturer's "Line Item" bid schedule to the GSA.  Keep in mind, the schedule is applied to roofing replacements on buildings that are unseen in many cases.  I'm asking a lot here, but please read the following. Tell me how an administrator could possibly track such complex schedules?

D.)  Job Order Contracts:

"ezIQC® is the easy and intelligent alternative for buying on-call facility repair and alteration construction services.

Thanks to the competitively bid prices available through cooperative purchasing, you can shed the red tape of traditional procurement in favor of speed, efficiency and the power of group buying.

ezIQC is based on job order contracts, or indefinite quantity construction contracts as they are sometimes called, in which contractors bid based on a catalog of pre-priced construction tasks for all divisions of construction.

Quality contractors have already been competitively selected in almost every area of the US and they are ready to perform work today.

Proven Success
ezIQC is a proven system that has been in use for over twenty years. This same system is utilized by the United States Postal Service, New York, Chicago and San Francisco, as well many other large, small public and private facility owners across the country including state governments, counties, towns, universities and school systems. ezIQC is ideal for interior, exterior, vertical, horizontal and environmental projects."

Inspector General's handbook may be found here:

Friends, I believe in "Fairness" to ALL people.  I make no distinction between Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Left, or Right.   It is not my station in life to debate such complex issues between them, but I do know "our" tax dollars must be wisely spent.

There is no such thing as "Pre-Compete" because you can not bid on structures you have not seen. This is how foolish it sounds:  "Hi, my name is Ron, and I have a 10,000 sq. ft. building in Tampa that needs a new roof.  How much will it cost?"

In almost 4 decades of service, I have never seen such illogical thinking, that is all perpetrated upon the public in order to circumvent "fair competition" for taxpayer dollars.

My next post will illustrate proper public procurement method. 

This is where my heart is. There are thousands of roofing sites to describe details of roofing, and roofing types.  I will continue to write about roofing's role as it pertains to sustainability (energy, water, petroleum dependence).  I remain deeply concerned for worker safety (heavy lifting, molten asphalt, and open flame).


It's important to know that I do not work for anyone.  I have not solicited, nor accepted compensation, or personal advancement of any kind since August 19, 2003.  This includes manufacturers, consultants, distributors, and contractors.

Everything I do is based upon civic responsibility, and how my discipline (roofing procurement) may be incorporated into that theme.

Humbled you care one bit about what I have to say, I will encourage you to reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".

Constructive criticism is both welcomed, and encouraged.

"In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; they follow you as the shadow follows the body" (unknown)


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620 (Florida)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Lawyers Piling on RPM (Tremco) over 61M federal fine involving GSA contracts"

I simply provide data, and you are the judge.

Humbled you care what I have to say, will remind you to reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance