Friday, May 11, 2012

"What's HORRIBLY WRONG in Roofing Today"

Dear Friends:

I'm sorry to be away so long, but I've been literally consumed by hundreds of requests, and should have made time for you.  I am sorry, but maybe today we can share some thought.

I'd like to share a very disturbing issue currently within the roofing discipline, how it affects each and every one of you.  We will offset the dark mood with an uplifting post the next time (I promise).  This wiill be left to your interpretation, and as always, you can decide. Fair?

This is one of the biggest TAXPAYER SCAMS I've ever seen.  The topic:


Friends, I will assume most of you do indeed pay taxes, so when I refer to "Taxpayer Money", you should understand that to mean "My/Our/Your Money".  The government doesn't "Own" anything.  We "Own" it.

This is a VICIOUS, and DEEP ROOTED ABUSE OF TAXPAYER FUNDS.  Plain, simple, and to the point.

Well known, and well worn.  It is primarily an "Aggressive sales model" designed to "dupe" Facility Managers, Purchasing Agencies (whom are riddled with fraud and corruption), School Districts (their absolute favorite targets), and generally ALL PUBLIC WORKS.

Rarely, if ever, do they try this scam on a Private owner, because in that scenario, the person who "Owns" the building actually has to pay for it.  In Public works, there is no such person, unless you consider a corrupt purchasing agency a rational and reasonable caretaker of your money.

Let me tell you something I KNOW:  The money may always be traced back to it's source, and whoever "Approved" the expenditure is the "Root Cause". 

Now, let me put away my broad brush, and share what I consider to be a fair option.  Once the person who signed off on it has been notified of this "Closed Specification" favoring only ONE MANUFACTURER, and unnecessarily limiting the specification (normally written by the offending manufacturer), they should have an OPPORTUNITY to change the procurement method.

This may be accomplished in a very civil manner, but most agencies I've dealt with find it "Intrusive", circle the wagons, and here we go.  NEVER have I dealt with a public entity where this was not absolutely the case.  Advising them of a potential liability to the district would be considered a good thing, right?

Please shake that notion out of your head right now, because the exact opposite occurs.  For some ungodly reason, they will fight to the death for something they KNOW is wrong, rather than accept STATE LAW, and follow it.  They are far above any laws, or so they think.

Example:  Some of you may know I was involved in the following Investigative News Report for NEWS 9 in Oklahoma City.  Here is a video of that report, and it will help a great deal if you take a moment to view it:

That's between 3 and 6 MILLION dollars of taxpayer overpayment in Tulsa alone.  Can you just imagine the outrageous sum throughout the State of Oklahoma?  Attorney General, Mr. Scott Pruitt issued a demand letter to Oklahoma State Auditor Mr. Gary Jones.

The demand letter is included in the above report, and all you have to do is click on it.  Click on the rest of the documents as well, because Tremco and the School Districts are caught red handed.

Mr. Jones has done absolutely nothing, and thinks I'm THE ENEMY!!  I'm not the one who manipulated those millions of dollars.  I'm the one who helped EXPOSE IT!!  Bob LaBass is the guy the money can be traced back to, and as he chuckles before the camera, everything he says is FACTUALLY WRONG!

The good people of Oklahoma deserve better.  Much better.

They DEPEND upon everyone simply forgetting, but I will not forget, and will see it to conclusion.

For example:  Flagler County Schools (Florida) fought me for three months, and stuck tight to the side of their "Preferred Vendor".  In this case it was "Siplast".  I quoted the law, and they ignored it.  I explained they only need to add two words "Or Equal", and they'd be fine.  NO, they took the side of the vendor over the taxpayers.

But when I presented discovery of .....let me think of how I want to say this....A rather "Covert" proceeding behind closed doors, the projects were put on hold.  NEVER ONCE did they acknowledge it is wrong to "Exclude Competition".  The head of PURCHASING there by the way, was the one appointed to open the bids.  Uh Huh.

Their procurement now reads:

The link above will take you to the procurement in it's entirety, but this is a segment illustrating what they ultimately did.  All that aggravation and pain, because they wanted it "Their Way".  But now it appears the district sees it my way.  If not, I welcome their criticism, or criticism from anyone really.

For any other School Districts out there who may accidentally read this, please take note:

721 - Purchasing Policies and Bidding

From FCSB Board Policy


Policy 721

The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for all purchases of materials, equipment, and services from District school funds. Only persons authorized by the Superintendent or School Board rules may make any purchase involving the use of school funds. Unauthorized expenditures shall not be approved by the School Board. The following provisions shall govern purchasing and bidding procedures for materials, equipment, and services:
  1. Authorization to Execute Purchase Orders. The Director of Purchasing or Purchasing Agent(s) shall be authorized to sign purchase orders.
  2. Development of and Adherence to Specifications. Purchases through bids and quotations procedures shall be based upon justification and specifications which are clear, definite, and certain as to character and quality and shall conform to standard specifications for the various classes of supplies, materials, parts, services, or equipment desired. Such specifications shall be conducive to securing the most economical price for the highest quality product which best meets the needs of the educational program. Specifications shall be as open as possible and it shall be made clear in the invitation to bid that use of a trade name does not give exclusive rights to that product. Preferential bidding shall not be permitted. The Superintendent or designee shall be responsible for soliciting the assistance of District staff members who use the products to prepare specifications and to evaluate bids.
  3. Requirements for Competitive Bids. Bids shall be requested from three (3) or more sources for any purchase of materials, equipment, or service exceeding $25,000.00, unless the item is purchased on the basis of an established state contract, through approved on-line procurement, under the provisions of Subsections (12) or (13) herein, or is otherwise exempted from bidding by Florida Statutes or State Board of Education rules. (See Policy 723 for requirements for competitive bidding on materials, services, or service related to Facilities Operations and/or Construction projects.) A particular item or group of similar items which is anticipated to exceed a collective legally permitted total during the fiscal year shall be subject to the bid requirements as described herein.
  4. Standard Bid Procedures
    1. The Purchasing Department shall maintain a list of all potential bidders by category of commodity or service and shall include the names of all persons or firms that requested placement on the list. The Director of Purchasing or designee shall mail or email each request for bids to each person(s) and firm(s) on the list for that particular commodity and may mail or email the request for bids to other known persons or firms that are capable of providing the requested commodity.
    2. The Director of Purchasing may remove the name of any person or firm from the list upon failure to respond to three (3) consecutive requests for bids.
    3. The Superintendent or Director of Purchasing may remove the name of any unqualified or unreliable person or firm from the list. However, the person or firm may apply to the Director of Purchasing for reinstatement to the vendor list after being removed for one (1) year.
    4. Prior to issuance of a purchase order in excess of the threshold provided in 287.017, F.S. for Category Two, the vendor shall execute an affidavit, pursuant to Florida Statutes, certifying that neither the firm nor any or its principals have been convicted for a public entity crime and placed on the convicted vendor list within the previous thirty-six (36) months.
    5. Bid Receipt, Opening, and Tabulation. Sealed bids shall be received in the purchasing office at the time and date designated in the request for bids. All bids shall be opened publicly in the presence of at least one (1) School Board (Director/Administrator). The Purchasing Agent shall read aloud the name of the bidder and the amount and shall make recommendations to the Superintendent who shall make a recommendation to the School Board. The tabulation shall be signed by the Director of Purchasing and School Board employees in attendance. Bids received after the designated time shall not be accepted or considered.
    6. Award of Bids. Each bid shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best bid which meets specifications with consideration being given to the specific quality of the product, conformity to the specifications, suitability to school needs, delivery terms and service, local bidder preference and past performance of the vendor. In case of a tie, the recommendation shall be made by the flip of a coin. Samples of products may be requested when practical. The School Board shall reserve the right to reject any or all bids. All Bids submitted to the School Board for approval will be approved for validity by the Director of Purchasing.
    7. Public Inspection of Bids. Bids and quotations shall be made available for public inspection on the posting date and copies may be obtained subsequent to the posting date. The fee for photocopying shall be in accordance with the School Board entitled “Photocopying of Public Records.” Original bids and quotations and the transmittal envelopes shall not be removed from the purchasing office. Bid awards will be posted on the School District Purchasing Department website.
    8. Award to Other Than Low Bidder. Any bid recommendation other than the low bid shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Director of Purchasing giving the reasons and justification for such action as provided in Subsection (3) herein. Single or combination items may be considered in determining the recommendation.
    9. Electronic Bidding. Electronic bidding may be utilized when it is determined to be in the best interest of the District. All requirements for advance notification of bid specifications and date and time of bidding shall be met. Each bid shall be awarded on the basis of the lowest and best bid which meets specifications with consideration being given to the specific quality of the product, conformity to the specifications, suitability to school needs, delivery terms and service, and past performance of the vendor. Any bid recommendation other than the low bid shall be accompanied by a written statement signed by the Director of Purchasing giving the reasons and justification for such action. Documentation of the bid process shall be maintained for audit purposes.
    10. Bid Withdrawal. A bidder may withdraw a bid before the designated time for opening bids by submitting a written request to the Director of Purchasing and identifying the reason(s) for the desired bid withdrawal. A bidder shall not be permitted to withdraw a bid for any reason after the designated time for opening bids unless mutually agreed upon by both parties.
If you have any question regarding procurement laws in your state, please write to me at:

I will research them for you, but NO public entity should ever give the slightest impression of favoritism, nor shall they limit competition to one manufacturer, or contractor.

Remember, YOU own it, not them.  Roofing is not a "Specialty" item, and numerous manufacturers provide quality materials without having to CHEAT.

Since I've condemned bad behavior, let me praise good behavior.  37 years of experience have taught me the pitfalls of what I still consider to be a noble discipline.

NOTE:  This blogsite does not accept advertising money.  I am retired, and have been for 9 years at age 50.  I do not solicit, nor accept money from anyone for anything.  This includes manufacturers, consultants, distributors, or contractors, and can prove it in a court of law.

Friends, I'm prepared to place my 37 year career upon the honesty, and "Fair Play" of the following manufacturers:




GAF also makes fine residential products, and perhaps you will consider them for your residence.  They do manufacture (and stand behind) the number 1 selling shingle in the world ("Timberline").

Certainly a number of others will voice "Opinion", but I invite you to research them yourself.  One technique I use is to type in the company's name, followed by the words "School Roofing Scam".  Then I go to YouTube, and do the same thing.  You will see the names Tremco, and Garland quite a bit, but you will not see the manufacturers I've mentioned.  If you do, I want to hear about it.  So do they.

I'm often told to "Keep Quiet", but I'd rather tell you the truth here, than simply "Go Along".  Your TRUST in me may not be compromised.

Frankly, I hope that is one reason you spend time with me here. Many of you from across the globe visit with me, and I am humbled by the mere thought of it. 

As always, I will ask you to reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"
(this one is for CTA)


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Tampa, Florida

Monday, February 27, 2012

"Comparison between N. America, and European Roofing Technique"

Well folks, it's been some time since I last posted (forgive me), but I think this topic is an interesting one.

I cannot speak with authority on European themes, as I haven't been intimately involved with these processes.  But, I can share thought from my European colleagues who regularly visit with me here.

A couple of things stand out to me, not the least of which is total land mass, and population density.  This will lead us to average high/low temperatures, and of course average rainfall.

The Asphalt Roofing & Manufacturer's Association (ARMA) says this:

History of Asphalt Roofing

History of Asphalt RoofingSince its discovery more than 5,000 years ago, asphalt has proved to be one of nature's most useful – and abundant – materials.
Though you may never have considered it, asphalt (a petroleum byproduct), is a naturally occurring part of the environment. (And now thanks to advances in technology, asphalt roofing products are as friendly to the environment as they are to the buildings they protect.)

No stranger to the building industry itself, asphalt has been used successfully as an excellent natural preservative, as well as an outstanding waterproofing and adhesive agent for centuries. For the past 150 years, in fact, asphalt has proved the most popular roofing material in North America. And deservedly so!

"General Mission of ARMA"  
  • To promote and further the sale and use of bituminous-based roofing products.
  • To defend and protect the asphalt roofing industry from actions that may restrict the sale of certain bituminous-based roofing products.
  • To provide a forum to coordinate activities that would benefit from group attention.
  • To provide liaison with others having an influence on the industry (i.e., other associations, building code agencies, etc.).
  • To serve as a voice for the industry, presenting collective positions on issues of concern.
  • To maintain a strong and active membership.

History Channel Explores Asphalt Roofing In Modern Marvel's "Secrets of Oil"

[Washington, DC] (September 15, 2008) –The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association [ARMA] is featured in a new episode of The History Channel's Modern Marvels series titled "Secrets of Oil." The episode includes a segment on asphalt shingles -- one of today's marvels, which is used on approximately 80 percent of homes in the United States.  Modern Marvels looks at the ways oil is used beyond gasoline and transportation. It shows how asphalt shingles are made and the benefits they bring to rooftops.
"Asphalt shingles are the leading choice for residential roofing in the United States because they provide quality, durability, versatility and economy," said Reed Hitchcock, Executive Director, ARMA. "Asphalt is the key to the durability of asphalt shingles, allowing them to endure harsh weather conditions all year round in every climate."
For the past 150 years, asphalt has proved the most popular roofing material in North America. Today four out of five homes are roofed with asphalt shingles. More than 12.5 billion square feet of asphalt shingle products are manufactured annually, which is enough to cover more than 5 million homes.
The benefits of asphalt shingles include:  You will notice the complete absence of environmental benefit.
  • Product Performance -- Asphalt shingles perform well in extreme temperatures and in areas where wind, water and ice are prevalent.
  • Affordability -- The efficient, high-volume production and relatively low application cost of asphalt shingles provide consumers with an overall value that’s tough for other roofing materials to match, especially in terms of comparable life expectancy.
  • Low Maintenance -- Asphalt shingles, when properly chosen and applied, require little or no regular upkeep and are easily repaired if damaged.
  • Ease of Application -- Asphalt shingles are considered to be the easiest of all standard roofing materials to apply. In addition, the flexibility and strength of asphalt shingles supports their application on a wide variety of roof designs.
  • Fire & Wind Resistance -- Asphalt shingles are manufactured to resist external fire and meet flammability standards. They  carry Class A, B or C fire ratings, with Class A providing the greatest fire resistance. These fire ratings are defined by nationally recognized standards and certified by independent testing agencies. In addition, many asphalt shingles carry a "wind resistance" label indicating that they have been manufactured and tested to demonstrate acceptable resistance in high-wind locations.
  • Aesthetic Appeal -- Asphalt shingles offer consumers the broadest array of colors, shapes, and textures available. With an enormous range of styles, asphalt shingles can match almost every type of architectural design and achieve virtually any desired effect – and do it affordably.
To find out when “Modern Marvels: Secrets of Oil" will air next, visit
For additional information concerning asphalt roofing and ARMA, visit
About the Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association
The Asphalt Roofing Manufacturers Association (ARMA) is the North American trade association representing the manufacturers and suppliers of bituminous-based residential and commercial fiberglass and organic asphalt shingle roofing products, roll roofing, built-up (BUR) roofing systems, and modified bitumen roofing systems.
This next document describes actual makeup of the most widely used shingle in the world, GAF’s “Timberline”.  As shingles go, it is a very fine choice, and backed by an outstanding manufacturer, GAF.
Asphalt 8052-42-4
This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to
cause cancer and birth defects, or other reproductive harm.
Cancer: Asphalt.
Other state regulations may apply. Check individual state requirements. The following components appear on
one or more of the following state hazardous substances lists:
8052-42-4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Direct implantation of glass fibers into the lung tissue of laboratory
animals has produced lung fibrosis and lung cancer. Human
epidemiological studies of inhalation exposure have yielded negative results. NTP Listed; Carcinogen IARC Class 3C.

Did you notice the 12.5 BILLION square feet?  Where do you think all that bituminous tear off material goes?  Asphalt is "Friendly to the Environment"?  Positively absurd.  It is OIL, plain and simple. No animal on earth eats it, and it will never break down in landills.

Is it a good idea to install an oil based roof in a hotter climate?  Well, they don't tell you that white asphalt shingles can easily reach surface temperatures of 200 degrees F.  The petroleum acts as a "convection oven" since the sun "sees" them as black.

Then there's the nutrient runoff in both nitrogen and phosphorous which starves water of oxygen, and subsequent microbial growth.

Okay, buildings in Europe demand "Long Term" solutions like concrete tile, clay tile, copper, standing seam metal roofing, in order to last, and to preserve great architectural monuments.  The buildings in America are maximum 236 years old or less.  European structures have far more character, and provenance, dating back many centuries.  The population there is not used to "Cheap" asphalt shingles, nor will they get used to it.

European examples:

I admire the artisan effect of "Old World" techniques that WORK.  Gee Ron, a tile roof costs twice as much as a shingle roof.  Okay.  The tile roof (if installed properly, and with proper underlayment, and flashings) will be tho ONLY roof you will ever buy.  Shingle roofs are designed to fail, and degrade over a relatively short period of time.  In Florida, a 20 year shingle must (generally) be replaced within 12 years.

Doesn't seem like much of a "Bargain", does it?

I'm trying to study European roofing techniques, and hopefully import more "long range thinking" to my colleagues.  Asphalt shingles serve no real purpose in terms of value, energy, clean water, or serviceability.

It's absolutely maddening to see asphalt shingle roofs on million dollar homes.  Why would you choose to make a focal point of shingles?  Oh yeah, because it's "Cheap".

At least we have choices, and many factors go into selecting the correct roof system.  If you are in a very short term investment, I can see how it may be an option.  But if you're going to live in the house, I would suggest not greatly devaluating your home with asphalt shingles.

No disrespect to my many friends in the asphalt shingle business,

Thank you so much for visiting with me, and I am very thankful if anything I have to share is useful to you.

Reject negativity in all forms, and remember to always keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Manager, Roof Consultant's Alliance

Saturday, December 17, 2011

"LAW", and Public Bid Procurement"

Recently, I was asked to offer assistance regarding a "Proprietary" arrangement with a school district here in Florida.  First, let's understand the purpose, which is to ELIMINATE FAIR COMPETITION IN PUBLIC BID PROJECTS

A Private Owner is free to do anything they like with their own property, and must only comply to building code, and permitting jurisdiction.  They OWN the building, are the ones PAYING for services, and it is not our business to ponder their decisions.

Publicly Owned structures are not "Owned" by the government, but by taxpayers.  Therefore, we must seek both serviceability, and VALUE.  NO local, state, or federal agency may be exclusive of fair bidding, and procurement.  Here, we are discussing roofing only, but it is applicable to all disciplines, and services.

Florida statutory law requires combative bidding, and the Florida District Court of Appeals has held that the government cannot split the contract into separate pieces to avoid the statutory monetary minimum (with exceptions for specialty work or work that requires special skills not found in the general market). Further, Florida courts have held that a public body may not draw specifications in its bid request that would permit only one bidder to qualify for the project.

Cases that involve fraud or ill repute in contract bidding usually nullify the contract. For example, if a city or county lacks the statutory authority to enter into a particular contract, the contract is void and the contractor may not recover for work performed. Cases that involve bad faith or bribery are also nullified, with the contractor receiving nothing.

To the best of my knowledge, this "Exclusionary" practice is illegal in all states (and territories).  A public official may not call out a specific product, or limit competition through specifications written to favor a "Preferred Manufacturer".   The "Specification Manipulation" trick is very common, and easy to spot.  Most cases I see are actually written by a manufacturer who wishes to eliminate all competition by stressing certain ASTM numbers, and unique "testing", relevant to only one product.


This has absolutely nothing to do with "Performance", but designed only to circumvent the law.  Many, many, millions (billions) of taxpayer dollars are overspent on "Boutique" manufacturers with predatory sales models.  The manufacturer acts as the "Consultant" (illegal), specifies only their product, and uses only their "approved contractors".  They also give themselves the power to order "testing" anytime they wish (at great cost).  You may expect to pay TWICE THE COST for this non-compete process. A competitively bid process MUST be followed.

I don't use this forum for "advertising", which is why you don't see any.  My philosophy is to always remain "independent", and not create the slightest impression of financial, or personal, advancement of any kind.

The following videos are very representative of the scams, and illustrate the great burden placed upon the taxpayers as a result.  Roofing is not "Sexy" or actually very interesting to most people, but huge sums of money are changing hands.  Especially when a vendor has absolutely no reason to compete.

That's me in the yellow blazer just beneath the main video.


Think it's isolated?  Think again.

This is a PATTERN, and you will note the specific manufacturers in these examples.  I did not "cherry pick" the videos or articles, and researched just as hard on each manufacturer.  If anyone wishes to submit a link contrary to what I have to say, it is welcomed, and I WILL publish it here.

In the meantime, you can research it yourself, by typing "School Roofing Scam" into your browser, or YouTube.  No shortage of articles, and complaints.  Please note they are from California, to New Jersey, and all points in between.

The arrogance of public officials offends me, and especially those in "Purchasing" who quickly lose sight of why they're hired (or elected) in the first place.  Apparently, the lure of money is strong, and human frailty for greed, is like throwing gasoline on a fire.  These are people we hope define a moral code. If I want to see common drunkards, and "chain snatchers", I'll visit central booking on Saturday night.

Let's try another one:

And this one is in my state:

My friends in Ohio may view this one, and it should put you over the top.

Baltimore?  Sure thing.

I happen to care about where my tax dollar goes,  As a highly credentialed, independent, roofing authority, know this game better than the ones who play it.  Next time you read about your school (post office, courthouse, university, etc.) budgets being slashed, programs cut, and children doing without basic supplies, you can thank roofing material manufacturers who cannot compete on the open market.

In this post, I would also like to give you an opportunity.  That opportunity will come in the form of research.  I know the people of Firestone, GAF, Carlisle-Syntec, and a few others to be 100% above board, and properly serve the community.  I've been unable to uncover even the slightest bit of wrongdoing by any of them.  After you research them, you will decide if what I say is true.

The best way to eliminate corruption in roofing (or anywhere else) is to stop issuing P.O.'s to the offenders, and support the ones who provide only serviceability and value.

I will share my loving family with you, because this is my world, and my purpose.  I'll really get it from those not pictured, but we'll share them another time.  I love them all, and they love me.

Christy (Mrs. Solomon) & Papa

Mimi & Papa

Alexandria & Sunny

Mrs. Solomon and I will pray you, and your families, have a blessed, and Merry Christmas.  This happens to be our custom, but we respect customs of all regions, and beliefs, as free people.

Therein lies the beauty.

I am incapable of describing how much appreciation I feel for each and every one of you, who spend your most valuable commodity (TIME) with me here.  Please reject negativity in all forms, know you are not alone, and always remember to keep looking "UP".

Sibucao, Dammous, Hall, Minteer, Austin, Anderson, Andersen, Agliano, Sierra, Colwell, Hartmann, Farnell, Beckner, Lepore, Pratt, Lynch, Rowell, Center, Songer, Ochs, Borden, Hatten, Scheidt, Leiby, Salimbene, Lyons, Embow, Christiano, Araj, Stefanakos, Goswami, Russell, Abreu, Coston, Demott, Kenney, Lusa, Cotney, Dickie, Colitz, Celli, Huggins, Mulling, Wiencek, Fenstermaker, and all 800+ members of Roof Consultant's Alliance.

"In this world everything changes except good deeds and bad deeds; they follow you as the shadow follows the body" (unknown)



Monday, December 5, 2011

"Beauty, Serviceability, & VALUE of Prefinished Metal Roof Systems"

I will thank "Amy" of IMETCO for allowing permission to feature a couple of very handsome projects.

Before we get into all the "Pretty" stuff, I'd like to share some facts about metal roofing systems.  They are aesthetically beautiful on many building types, which is why many Architects prominently featuring the roof as a focal point of the structure.  Remember the three elements of "curb appeal" is "Roof, Paint, and Landscaping".

No question they are beautiful.

Serviceability:  This is another great benefit abundantly provided by prefinished metal roof systems.  NO asphalt shingle roof even comes close to providing a comparable life cycle cost.  Metal roof systems frequently exceed 50+ years, and you will find that the norm, rather than the exception.  They are generally considered a "Lifetime" roof.

VALUE:  I prefer the word "Value" over "Cheap" because they are quite the opposite when given life cycle costs.  The initial "Up Front Installed Cost" is more costly.  But you will probably replace an asphalt shingle roof 4-5 times before your metal roof requires attention.  So, if your intentions are to "Improve" your home (or commercial project) as a lifetime investment (or for resale value), prefinished metal roofing is a wonderful way to do it.

I do not like to get into sq. ft. pricing as they vary wildly by geographical location.

Metal is lightweight, and does not require the structural support elements a tile roof would require.  Modern engineering methods also make them highly wind resistant which you will read about momentarily.

Environmentally Friendly:  Of course all metals are recyclable.  Metal roofs do not create additional harmful "stormwater runoff"  contaminants as asphalt shingles do.  Most modern metal types are prefinished with a resin bonding commonly referred to "Kynar 500", and comes in a "Cool-R" series that reflects substantial radiant energy away from your home, thus reducing roof surface temperatures, and subsequently energy consumption.

For those of you interested in PV apparatus, numerous versions of  "flat strips" are available for such a purpose.  They are much less prone to wind uplift than frame mounted systems, and since they don't require support framing, eliminate all those vertical stansion details that are a constant maintenance issue.

So, let's feature our friend "Amy", and her fine company "IMETCO".

This first project (in my state) may be found in it's entirety at:

The next project is a Marina.  ANYONE who lives on, or near the water should give prefinished metal roofing systems great consideration.  They have great resistance to gulf winds and saltwater spray.  I prefer an aluminum base for that reason, but therre may be many long time metal roofers out there who prefer otherwise.  All I know is that aluminum doesn't rust.  This particular one is my very favorite in stainless steel that of course won't rust, and also will not create a galvanic response in a "dissimilar metals" situation.

You may find IMETCO (ask for Amy) at:

IMETCO Corporate Office

2070 Steel Drive
Tucker, GA 30084
(770) 908-1030
(800) 646-3826
(770) 908-2264

For homeownmers or commercial structures that collect rainwater, prefinished metal roofs will provide an excellent surface to use.  Note:  ALL roofs are prone to jet fuel exhaust, airborne spores, and animal waste, so some type of flush converter must be used.  The water would be suitable straight off the roof for watering of fruits and vegetables however, unlike asphalt shingle roof systems.

You will please excuse my normal departure in the last post, but the young man was factually correct regarding the "decimal point", and the solar reflection verbiage.

I never cease to be amazed by the incredible geographic diversity of visitors here.  Each time I see you, I am somehow transported, and it's done wonders for my knowledge of both geography, and cultures.

Thank each of you for taking the time to visit, and I am humbled you care one bit about what I try to share with you here.

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".



Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Corrections" & Reply to Post"

Dear Friends:

Anytime I'm featured in a television news investigation, or article on "Proprietary Specifications", and the waste of taxpayer dollars, I receive condemnation by those who participate in it.  This "anonymous" writer is welcomed here.  It is important you hear all positions, and make your own decisions.

Everyone must understand that NO ROOFER should adopt my ideals, and refuse work based upon them. I've refused a $250,000.00 contract on principle, but have never left employees without an address to work, as that would be both cruel, and plain wrong..  Your valiant, and noble assignment is to feed your families, and nourish your employees the best way you can.  You must install the roofing systems you are comfortable with, and trained for.  Your equipment investment is your business, and I respect that.

I am not always right.  I simply try my best to provide lucid answers to the many sciences related to all roof systems, and their interface with energy, clean water, safety, and taxpayer value.  The "Taxpayer Value" portion seems to escape those who participate in it.  This is well documented.  Anyone can simply type "School Roofing Scams" on either Google, or YouTube, and you will find both court record, and many investigative news reports.  This is one I recently appeared in:

I am not a scientist.  I do not know everything.  My goal is to illustrate common principles through analogy, and not get too esoteric.  But today will respond to this informed comment.  I normally wouldn't reply to an "anonymous" comment, but feel merit in some clarification, and will offer thought:

Anonymous said...

For the future you may want to quote LEED correctly, since you're an expert and all. LEED v2.2 has been replaced now for 3 years and LEED 2009 is about to be replaced in 2012. I quote from LEED V2.2, because that is the version I own.  I do not have the money USGBC requests for each and every version, and they are very expensive.  I cancelled my membership with USGBC, as I couldn't justify the cost of materials and cocktail parties (I don't drink).  I am not a LEED AP, but the Governor of Florida values my skill set, and has awarded 5 Judgeships to me for his "Sustainable Schools", and "Sustainable Florida" initiatives.  An example of the nominees would include retailers like Wal-Mart, huge golfing communities, water agencies, all school districts, classes, and teachers.

I spend a great deal of time in many areas other than roofing, but the discipline has been very good to me, and I want to return the favor out of respect for my mentors, and educators.

And it's Solar Reflective Index not Reflectance. Also, SRI is a whole number not a decimal. I stand corrected.You're confusing SRI with reflectivity. Reflectivity is a percentage of UV rays reflected, SRI is a formula that takes reflectivity and emissivity into consideration. Thank you for the clarification.  That would explain why some materials have indexes above 100.

I've been working with mod bit, single plys, and coatings for 5 years, primarily for LEED projects. To group all mod bits in the category you described above is irresponsible. Perhaps my responsibility does not meet your standard, and you are well within your right to view me as you wish. Yes, some mod bits are torched down still but most use cold applied adhesives now.  Regardless of adhesive (NRCA advises against adhesives in tropical climates).  Florida, where I live may be an example.  I am more than happy to furnish the article upon request, and may post it here very soon.  The fact remains that huge quantities of petroleum are consumed in the manufacture of modified bitumen, and the product itself is heavily laden with petroleum, or "Bitumen" as I illustrated. Almost all modifieds out there have a high reflective option which you can see if you search on the CRRC's website. In fact there are 33 different sheets out there that meet LEED's SRI standard of 78.   You forgot to mention these modifieds, or "options" as you refer to them are "Coated".  So you are essentially building a product of oil, and then masking a design flaw.  You do not mention the short time on the market, or the coating maintenance.  "Coated Oil" is actually what your "option" is about, and is a response I get quite a bit from those who sell it.  I see no mention of "VALUE".
I don't know if you've been out of the game for too long and aren't doing your due diligence to keep up with the times or you have some kind of personal vendetta against someone. In any case most of this "article" is just false by today’s standards.  I always ask that responses point to "factual" errors as the first part of your comment does.  You are welcome to view me as you wish, but I work very hard to furnish documentation to support every word I say.  I do not "Sell" anything, nor do I receive compensation from anyone, for anything I do.  Your argument is based entirely upon a P.O. Book, and personal advancement, where I have no interest in such things.

Your comments, and very short career, appear to be concentrated upon "Public" projects.  But I cannot know that to be 100% correct as I was not given the opportunity for discovery.  I suspect your "sales model" to be one of aggression, self promotion, and deceit, rather than best interest of the owners, or taxpayer. 

“The trouble with internet articles is that you never know if they are true” – Abraham Lincoln

Friday, November 18, 2011

"Principle of installing Modified Bitumen Roof Systems"

Sounds pretty easy doesn't it?  Well, today I'd like to introduce a couple of words (and definitions) you often hear from people describing roof systems.

The first word we will focus on is :  "Bitumen"

From Wikipedia:

Asphalt /ˈæsfɔːlt/ ( listen) also known as bitumen is a sticky, black and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid that is present in most crude petroleums and in some natural deposits, it is a substance classed as a pitch. Until the 20th century, the term asphaltum was also used.[1]
The primary use of asphalt is in road construction, where it is used as the glue or binder mixed with aggregate particles to create asphalt concrete. Its other main uses are for bituminous waterproofing products, including production of roofing felt and for sealing flat roofs.
The terms asphalt and bitumen are often used interchangeably to mean both natural and manufactured forms of the substance. In American English, asphalt (or asphalt cement) is the carefully refined residue from the distillation process of selected crude oils. Outside the United States, the product is often called bitumen. Natural deposits terminology also sometimes uses the word bitumen, such as at the La Brea Tar Pits.
Naturally occurring asphalt is sometimes specified by the term "crude Bitumen"; its viscosity is similar to that of cold molasses.[2][3] whilst the material obtained from the fractional distillation of crude oil (boiling at 525 °C (977 °F)) is sometimes referred to as "refined bitumen".

Refined Asphalt (Bitumen)

Reports indicate that Asphalt production is generally 80% for road building materials, and 20% for roofing materials.  And folks, that's a lot of oil being either laid on the ground, or placed atop your home, or business.

Many people are confused as to "White" modified bitumen roof systems (I will describe the "Modified" portion in a moment).  It has a VERY LOW solar reflectance, and can reach temperatures of 200 degrees F., adding to energy demands.

Here is a crew installing "Modified Bitumen"

Okay, someone is on the ground feeding 100 lb. cartons of asphalt into a kettle, typically heated with propane burners to a temperature of around 425 degrees F.  I've personally "fired" one of these monstrosities, and would not wish it on my worse enemy.  This job is typically referred to either the "kettle man", or the "fireman".

Wouldn't you like to spend around 10 hours a day in the hot sun wearing full coverage clothing, and a face mask?  The pieces can easily "splash" the molten asphalt onto the workman, and you will keep in mind he is chopping 100 lb. cartons of this all day.  It is much easier in the morning when the asphalt is cool, and when you strike it with an axe, is almost "glasslike" and splits fairly easy.  Onced  it warms up, the asphalt becomes "gooey", and the axe simply sticks.

The hot asphalt is pumped to the roof, and collected into "hot luggers"

Okay, we've heated up the asphalt, pumped it to the roof through a steel pipe, loaded it into our "hot lugger", rolled it across the roof, and emptied it into the "Mop Cart".  You can see the guy using a roofing mop, the other guy is the "setter", and the other is casting ceramic granules into the asphalt "bleed out".  Sometimes referred to as "Feeding the chickens".

Here is a finished Modified Bitumen roof:

You will note the letters "SBS", and "APP".  They stand for:

"Styrene Butyl Styrene" : (Thank you to Johns Manville)
"SBS is a rubberized modifier that increases the overall performance of the sheet by providing excellent elongation and recovery characteristics. SBS modifiers extend the service range of the product, so that it can be handled in cooler temperatures without cracking or shattering, and in warmer temperatures without softening to the point where it begins to flow".

This material is applied with the "hot mop" method as illustrated above.

APP: Atactic Polypropylene

"Johns Manville has developed formulations that enhance the asphalt's overall weatherability by modifying premium-grade asphalts. By combining these modified asphalts with non-woven polyester or glass fiber reinforcements, JM produces waterproofing systems that exhibit tremendous strength, elasticity and weatherability.

APP membranes provide superior tensile strength while maintaining critical flexibility — even in the coldest environments. Additionally, with APP roofing membranes (coated with a proprietary blend of asphalt and atactic polypropylene), contractors now have an efficient mode of application by heat welding, making hot mopping unnecessary".

This is what "Torching" looks like:

MANY people hear the term "Rubberized Asphalt", and think they are geting a "Rubber" roof.  This is obviously not the case.  The "Rubber" is a "Modified Polymer".

The roof repels water, but given what we know is a very archaic, and dangerous method.  Also consumes huge quantities of materials that will never break down in landfills, and contaminates water supplies through leaching of nitrogen and phosphorous.

This is obviously not my choice of roofing methods, but it does in fact "keep water out".  It CREATES great demand  in HVAC cooling (approximately 20%).  So if you live in a warmer climate (most people do), this would not be your best option.  Modified Bitumen roof systems typically have a Solar Reflectance Index of .25 (similar to asphalt shingles.  For the record, (according to LEED V2.2, Page 95), the minimum Solar Reflectance Index for a cool roof to mitigate "Heat Island Effect" is .78.  So you can see this is clearly anything but a "Cool Roof".

Today is a very good day, I am happy you are sharing it with me, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Manager, Roof consultant's Alliance