Sunday, April 23, 2017

Public Procurement: What HUD says might surprise you.

"So Ron, why on earth did you choose HUD as an example of fair, open, transparent, bidding?  I thought they'd be the last government agency to be held up as the reference standard."  

That's why I chose them.  

At any rate, this is what HUD says about procurement, and I've added a few comments to help translate the tortuous language of government.  About halfway through, throw a glass of ice water in your face, and continue reading. 

This guy reads a lot of my stuff;

Here we go:


This chapter provides an overview of the federal procurement requirements. It covers the basics of Part 85.


14.1 Overview of Procurement Requirements

When a grantee elects to hire a contractor, whether to administer a program, complete a task or do construction, those contractors must be procured competitively. This section highlights the procurement rules.

Key Topics in This Section: Procurement requirements and methods

Regulatory/Statutory Citations: 570.502, 570.610, 85.36
Other Reference Materials on This Topic: CPD Notice 96-05, Executive Order 12549

Both grantees and subrecipients must follow federal procurement rules when purchasing services, supplies, materials, or equipment. The applicable federal regulations are contained in:

State and local governments and Indian tribes – 24 CFR Part 85. A copy of Part 85 is included in the attachments to this chapter;

Nonprofits, institutions of higher education and hospitals – OMB Circular A-110, as implemented through 24 CFR Part 84.

In addition to federal regulations, most states and many local governments have laws and regulations regarding procurement. Each entity receiving CDBG funds should be aware of state and/or local laws that may affect procurement policies.

Grantees should adopt procurement policies that describe how the grantee or subrecipient will procure supplies, materials, services, and equipment. The policy should assure that all purchases are handled fairly and in a manner that encourages full and open competition. Grantees should follow the procedures established in the policy, and document how all procurements were handled.
The “essence of good procurement” can be summarized as follows:

Identify and clearly specify standards for the goods or services the grantee or subrecipient wants to obtain;
Seek competitive offers to obtain the best possible quality at the best possible price;

Use a written agreement that clearly states the responsibilities of each party;
Keep good records; and
Have a quality assurance system that helps the grantee or subrecipient get what it pays for.  

RRS: This may also be accomplished with a "Performance and Payment" Bond.  Very cheap insurance for the taxpayer (typically 1%), and guarantees the project will be finished properly, or the bonding company steps in, and hires someone else (at no expense to taxpayers).

Believe me, no roofing contractor on earth wants their bonding company to take over.  They will forfeit all assets the bonding company required to issue the bond in the first place.  BRUTAL.

Basically CDBG (November 2007) 14-1
HUD, Office of Block Grant Assistance
Chapter 14: Procurement
There are four methods of procurement that are identified in the federal regulations:
Small purchase procedures;
Sealed bids;
Competitive proposals; and
Non-competitive proposals.

Please note that the following training manual text is an abbreviated summary of the procurement rules and grantees are encouraged to read Part 85.36 in its entirety (attached) as well as any applicable state or local procurement laws.

14.1.1 Small Purchase Procedures
The small purchase procedures allow recipients to acquire goods and services totaling no more than $100,000, without publishing a formal request for proposals or invitation for bids.
This method of procurement is typically used to purchase commodities such as equipment or other materials.
In the event that a grantee is purchasing materials that will exceed $100,000, they must use the sealed bid process.
The small purchases method can also be used to acquire eligible types of services, such as professional consulting, environmental review, or planning. This method cannot be used if the services contract will exceed $100,000 in value. If the services contract will exceed $100,000, the grantee must issue an RFP under the competitive proposals approach (see below).

In general, the small purchases procedures also should not be used to acquire construction contractors. It is recommended that these acquisitions occur under the sealed bid approach outlined below.

Under the small purchases method, grantees send a request for quotes to potential vendors with a detailed description of the goods or services needed. In return, they receive competitive written quotations from an adequate number of qualified sources.

Each quote should include pricing information that allows the grantee to compare costs across bidders and ensure cost reasonableness.

Documentation of the quotes shall be maintained in the grantee’s files.

The award should be made to the lowest responsive and responsible source.

RRS: Is that clear? LOWEST and RESPONSIBLE.  

14.1.2 Sealed Bids (Formal Advertising)
Sealed bids (Formal Advertising) should be used for all construction contracts or for goods costing more than $100,000.

Competitive sealed bidding requires publicly solicited sealed bids and a firm-fixed-price lump sum or unit price contract is awarded to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming with all the material terms and conditions of the invitation for bids, is lowest in price.
In order for formal advertising to be feasible, the following minimum conditions must be present:
A complete, adequate and realistic specification or purchase description is available.
Basically CDBG (November 2007) 14-2
HUD, Office of Block Grant Assistance
Chapter 14: Procurement
Two or more responsible suppliers are willing and able to compete effectively for a grantee's business.

The procurement lends itself to a firm fixed-price contract, and the selection of the successful bidder can appropriately be made principally on the basis of price.

When the competitive sealed bid (formal advertising) process is used, the following requirements apply:

Publication Period: The invitation for bids must be publicly advertised and bids solicited from an adequate number of suppliers.  RRS:  Note, they say "suppliers", as in plural.  "Competition" is not ONE manufacturer, and 4 of their vendors.  What incentive would the manufacturer have to compete?

The publication should be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation, providing sufficient time prior to bid opening. If the publication period is not of sufficient time to attract adequate competition, the bid may have to be re-advertised.

Clear Definition: The invitation for bids, including specifications and pertinent attachments, must clearly define the items or services needed in order for bidders to properly respond to the invitation.  

Public Opening: All bids must be opened publicly at the time and place stated in the invitation for bids. The public is allowed at that time to review the bids.

RRS: Think about that for a minute.  "The public is allowed at that time to review the bids".

Selection and Contracting: A firm-fixed-price contract award must be made by written notice to the responsible bidder whose bid, conforming to the invitation for bids, is lowest. Where specified in the bidding documents, factors such as discounts, transportation costs and life cycle costs must be considered in determining which bid is lowest.

Rejection of all Bids: All bids may be rejected when sound documented reasons exist. Such documentation shall be made a part of the files.

14.1.3 Competitive Proposals
Competitive proposals are used to purchase professional services where the total cost will exceed $100,000. Under this procurement method, the grantee must publish a written request for submissions and then review these submissions based on established selection criteria.

The grantee must solicit proposals from an adequate number of qualified sources.

To learn more about excluded parties, go to:
Basically CDBG (November 2007) 14-4

HUD, Office of Block Grant Assistance  


I provided the link earlier if you care to read additional attachments.

ALL public procurement agencies (local, state, and federal) have published laws, and ALL devote large sections specifically to "Fair Competition" on  ALL publicly funded projects.  

The word "Competition" is twisted, and manipulated by those who cannot accept measurable units.  It's easy for an Administrator to get sucked into the vortex of a "Predatory Sales Model".  

I cannot reasonably expect an Administrator to have intimate knowledge of all construction trades, and sub trades.  


Friends, I know this is like watching paint dry, but the people who are stealing your tax dollars are frauds, and depend upon you to get bored, or simply quit.  I've been at this for 10 years now, and am neither bored, nor have the slightest desire to "quit".  

I derive ZERO pleasure when people lose their jobs, careers, families, and sometimes "Freedom".   Just this one, and then we'll move on:

The work is tedious, time consuming, and at times, heartbreaking.

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind.

You, my respected readers, depend upon me to tell only the truth.

I know that.  

Reject negativity in all forms and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Public Procurement Analyst
Florida State Certified 
CCC 1325620

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Tremco and the SEC - Buyer Beware

Friends, this is the reality of Tremco.  

The SEC is suing Tremco, AND their Attorney.  The DOJ has already fined Tremco $61,000,000.00, and now the SEC has them for lying.  

That sounds like a lot of money right?  You may be interested to know the public facilities who got scammed, received NOTHING.  To put it in context, a brand new high school costs approximately $50,000,000.00.  

Unless you like to play "blindfolded, high stakes poker", I'd stay as far away from Tremco as humanly possible.  You administrators should do your homework, or be pulled down with them.  The WORSE decision you could possibly make is buying Tremco through a Purchasing Cooperative.

There is no such thing as "Pre-Compete" in roofing.  EACH project is wildly variant, and a "parts list" is worthless.  I challenge any roofing estimator to prove they can. 

I challenge Tremco to prove they can, and will stake $10,000.00 of my own money proving they can't.  Money goes to a school of my choice.  

NOTE:  Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind.

Not ONE person in this country can successfully argue Tremco's "Exclusive Vendor" status in public works.  All under the guise:  "We buy in bulk", "We Pre-Compete for you", "Our vast negotiating power.....blah, blah, blah.

IT IS A LIE that defrauds our schools (you pay for it).

I'm looking forward to the day when Tremco is finally debarred from the GSA.  Take Garland too, and we will have eliminated the "Predatory Sales Models" in roofing by 99%. 

"Analysis: RPM International Finally Gets Around to Disclosing its SEC Probe"

"Last week RPM International (RPM) disclosed it is under investigation by the SEC.  This was not news to us.  We have been tracking undisclosed SEC investigative activity on the company dating back to Aug-2012.  We review the pertinent facts, our research history, and give our take on why a disclosure now could be more dangerous than investors may realize. 
Facts of Interest or Concern:
In an earnings press release last week(link is external), RPM International said in part,
“RPM was notified by the Securities and Exchange Commission on June 24, 2014, that it is the subject of a formal investigation pertaining to the timing of its disclosure and accrual of loss reserves with respect to the previously disclosed fiscal 2013 GSA and Department of Justice investigation into compliance issues relating to Tremco roofing division's GSA contracts.”
Though the company says it was notified on 24-Jun-2014, our research history suggests this SEC investigation has a long tail to it, dating back potentially as far as 2012. 
Since Aug-2012, the SEC has been blocking our access to records on RPM over concern their release could interfere with law enforcement proceedings.  We received the same denial in Jul-2013 and again in Jan-2014. As a matter of law, the SEC was acknowledging some sort of investigative activity.
In May-2014 we published a research note indicating the SEC had confirmed an active-and-ongoing investigation involving RPM.  At that time our research showed no signs of disclosure of SEC investigative activity for the prior two years.  
Our Take:
With the shares up 2.4% on the day of the earnings release (versus an S&P 500 that was essentially flat), it appears investors are ignoring the SEC aspect of earnings release.  We think that is misplaced.  Here’s why --
  • Don’t get distracted by the company saying it was notified by the SEC on 24-Jun that it was subject of a formal investigation. That doesn’t mean it started then.  Again, the results of our works suggests RPM sat on this SEC investigation for at least the past two years, perhaps longer.  In our experience, it's bad when a company waits a long time to disclose an SEC probe.  It begs the critical question, “What changed to prompt the disclosure?”
  • Public companies are generally not required to disclose the existence of SEC probes.  They are only required to disclose matters deemed material.  That management now disclosed means they likely now view it as material.  Why?  We say ignore the implications of this at your own peril.
  • That the investigation is now formal could signal an escalation and/or that the company is not quite cooperating the way the SEC would like. 
  • In formal SEC investigations, subpoenas are frequently involved.  Good questions to ask the company is were they subpoenaed, to whom they were sent, and what the subpoenas sought."   
Note:   New SEC investigative activity could theoretically begin or end after the date covered by this latest information which would not be reflected here.
This is not "gossip" friends, but public record.  
Tremco Stock:
Friends, I have in excess of 100,000 views here, and  humbled.   NONE of this benefits me in any way, other than the personal satisfaction that comes from exposing scams perpetrated upon schools, and taxpayers.  
You notice that Tremco isn't trying to steal any of Wal-Mart's money.  You won't either because they'd have to compete for it.  Tremco will NEVER compete.  Just ask them.  I dare you.
I am thankful for your interest, and time spent with me here.  I realize what a precious commodity time is, and my appreciation grows each day.
Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".
Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Public Procurement Analyst
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
CCC 1325620
Tampa, Florida

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Tremco, the "Darlings" of Purchasing Cooperatives. .

Any school administrator should know this before it's too late. The schools, and other public works that Tremco defrauded got NOTHING!  


Litigation Release No. 23639 / September 9, 2016

Securities and Exchange Commission v. RPM International Inc., et al., Case No. 16-cv-01803 (D.D.C. filed Sept. 9, 2016)

SEC Charges RPM International Inc. and its General Counsel for Disclosure and Accounting Failures

The Securities and Exchange Commission today charged Ohio-based chemical company RPM International Inc. and its General Counsel, Edward W. Moore, with failing to disclose a material loss contingency, or record an accrual for, a government investigation when required to do so under governing accounting principles and securities laws.

The SEC alleges that, from 2011 through 2013, RPM and one of its subsidiaries were under investigation by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for overcharging the government on certain contracts. 

Moore, RPM's General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer, oversaw RPM's response to the DOJ investigation. According to the SEC's complaint, however, Moore did not inform RPM's CEO, CFO, Audit Committee, and independent auditors, of material facts about the investigation. 

For example, Moore knew but failed to inform them that: RPM sent DOJ estimates showing RPM's subsidiary overcharged the government on the contracts under investigation by a material amount; RPM agreed to submit a settlement offer by a specific date to resolve the DOJ investigation; and, prior to submitting the settlement offer to DOJ, RPM's overcharge estimates increased substantially to at least $28 million.

NOTE:  The DOJ already fined Tremco $61,000,000.00 for overbilling.  Again, the ones who were defrauded (primarily schools) got NOTHING.  

As a result of Moore's conduct, the SEC alleges that RPM filed multiple false and misleading documents with the SEC. For example, among other things, RPM failed to disclose in its filings with the SEC any loss contingency related to the DOJ investigation, or to record an accrual on its books, when required to do so by governing accounting principles and the securities laws. RPM also failed to disclose in its SEC filings a material weakness in its internal control over financial reporting and its disclosure controls when in fact such weakness existed. 

Consequently, RPM did not provide investors with accurate information about RPM's financial condition. In August 2014, RPM restated its financial results for three quarters that occurred during the DOJ investigation and filed amended SEC filings for those quarters, disclosing the DOJ investigation and related accruals. 

In the restated filings, RPM also disclosed errors relating to the timing of its disclosure and accrual for the DOJ investigation.

The SEC's complaint charges RPM with violating antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws, Sections 17(a)(2) and (a)(3) of the Securities Act of 1933; the reporting provisions of the federal securities laws, Section 13(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-11, and 13a-13 thereunder; and the books and records and internal controls provisions of the federal securities laws, Sections 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act. The complaint also charges Moore with violating Sections 17(a)(2) and (a)(3) of the Securities Act and Rules 13b2-1 and 13b2-2 under the Exchange Act. The complaint seeks permanent injunctions, disgorgement of ill-gotten gains plus interest, and penalties.
The SEC's investigation was conducted by Timothy K. Halloran and Michael J. Hoess. The SEC's litigation will be conducted by H. Michael Semler, Gregory R. Bockin, Mr. Halloran, and Mr. Hoess.
 SEC Complaint

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Another Angry Jurisdiction after Tremco's latest Overbilling Scam..


Before the story, let me share basics to avoid such heartbreak.  If you can avoid three things, will have a much better chance of success with your project.

1.)  NEVER BUY A ROOF FROM A PURCHASING COOPERATIVE.  Purchasing Cooperatives are not competitiv in any way.

2.)  Buy Mainstream manufacturers like GAF, Firestone, Johns Manville, Carlisle.  They are also locally stocked by roofing material supply houses.  The supply house can also recommend quality roofing contractors.  The Supplier knows who pays their bills, and who doesn't.

3.)  Research before you buy.   Type "School Roofing Scam" into your browser, and do the same thing on YouTube.  You will find three players:  Purchasing Cooperative, Tremco, Garland.

It's your career, and your responsibility, so I hope this helps.

Now to the story (I have other examples like this):

 Miami County left out of roofing company’s payback for over-billing


Posted: 10:23 a.m. Wednesday, March 01, 2017

"An Ohio-based roofing company that the I-Team reported in 2014 was likely over-billing governments across the state quietly reimbursed some, but not all, of the agencies it was suspected of over-billing.
Tremco, based in Beachwood, voluntarily repaid 11 state agencies a total of $214,308 last year after it was discovered the company was not giving taxpayers the same discounts they were giving private companies.
“The money was paid in 2016 following discussions with the vendor after the action with the federal government,” said Ohio Department of Administrative Services spokesman Marty Berkowitz. “Ohio was not included in any formal settlement agreement. Tremco voluntarily paid the amounts as listed.”
The I-Team reported in 2014 that state and local governments had paid Tremco $23.4 million under those state contracts from 2006 to 2014.
Contacted this year, state officials said they don’t know which local governments were reimbursed. Tremco officials were asked the same question and responded with a statement that did not name which governments they reimbursed.
Miami County officials, contacted this month by the I-Team, said they didn’t get any reimbursement from Tremco, though a local law enforcement investigation in 2012 called into question the company’s pricing and said county taxpayers overpaid hundreds of thousands of dollars.
In 2013, a federal lawsuit came to light, in which a former Tremco vice president alleged the company used misleading business practices in federal contracts. This included installing defective roofs, giving larger discounts to private customers than government customers and re-labeling generic material as high-end at a marked-up price.
Ohio officials based their blanket contract with Tremco, used by state and local governments, on those federal contracts.
Tremco officials said in their statement that they notified DAS “when Tremco discovered errors in its administration of these contracts.”
“The company also subsequently followed through on a process with the DAS to account for and correct those errors through reimbursements to affected state agencies and local entities that utilized the (state contract),” said a statement from the company.
Tremco settled the federal lawsuit for $61 million, with a large portion going to the whistleblower because the suit was filed under the False Claims Act. The False Claims Act is a law the federal government and several states have encouraging whistle-blowers in government contracting fraud by allowing damages three times the amount of damages and giving whistleblowers a share.
Ohio has no false claims act, though Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Auditor Dave Yost have both called for them in the past.
A spokeswoman for DeWine’s office declined to comment on the Tremco issue because the Ohio Department of Administrative Services negotiated the reimbursements with Tremco.
“We get involved when our clients seek our assistance or representation, but in many cases, state agencies resolve matters on their own,” said AG’s office spokeswoman Kate Hanson in an email.
Tremco’s statement says their over-billing of entities in Ohio wasn’t intentional.
“The errors that led to some customers not receiving full discounts on purchases through the (state contract) was not due to a business practice, but rather to unintentional errors in the administration of Tremco’s federal … contracts, the terms of which also impacted purchases under the (state contract),” the statement says. "


Avoid the grief, exposure, and pain by just saying "NO" to Purchasing Cooperatives, Tremco, and Garland.  You will be happier for it.  

Thank you for spending time with me here.  I know it gets boring, but I want to help you before the sharks circle with their "Predatory Sales Models".

I have over 105,000 views here, and I am thrilled that anyone cares.  

NOTE:  Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind.
Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP".


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
Public Procurement Analyst
State Certification CCC 1325620

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Submit Voluntary Alternate when facing a "Proprietary Roofing Specification".

Submit Voluntary Alternate!
Do this IMMEDIATELY, and get your manufacturer approved.  The Manufacturer should help you.
The following suggestions are from a legal firm

Cohen Seglias 
Pallas, Greenhall, and Furman, PC
"A proprietary specification is one which requires the use of a sole source product. Bidders are responsible for determining the cost and sources of the items specified. It is a contractor's obligation to raise questions to the Government concerning purported proprietary items prior to bid opening. The time for objecting to a proprietary specification is before the submission of bids, not afterward. T.H. Taylor, Inc., ASBCA No. 26494, 82-2 BCA p 15,877 at 78,753 and cases cited; see also ... Buchner & Moore, Inc., ASBCA No. 25186, 83-1 BCA p 16,332 at 81,186-87.
In order to recover under a theory of proprietary specifications, a contractor must prove that (1) the specifications described the characteristics of only one standard product, (2) it submitted data describing an equal substitute product, and (3) the substitute was of the same standard of quality. Urban Plumbing and Heating Co. v. United States, 187 Ct.Cl. 15, 408 F.2d 382 (1969)Gall Landau Young Construction Co., ASBCA No. 24859, 83-1 BCA p 16."

I am thankful for their effort.

This is what happens when you object, and offer a mainstream manufacturer:

"Brother Ron,
The bid was just awarded for the roofing at the middle school.
Together we saved the taxpayer over 410 k!! Once Garland/ Tremco were exposed,with your great effort,the project award was 719k ,as opposed to 1.29 mil. Just wanted to give you an update. Be well Brother Ron.
All the best"

Friends, I'm teaching  you how to fight back, and not turn down "Proprietary Specification" (public) work.  Submit your manufacturer through "Voluntary Alternate", and save both taxpayers (you), and your schools a ton of money in the process.  

I am very thankful, and respectful of the time you spend with me here. I consider it a privilege to serve you. 

I do not subscribe to the stereotypical roofer image, and believe roofing is a noble trade.

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind.


Robert R. "Ron" Solomon
Public Procurement Analyst
CCC 1325624
Tampa, Florida


Thursday, January 5, 2017

A direct approach to my specialty, and audience. "Public Roofing Oversight".


In the 7 years I've spent with you here, have made great progress for "Fair Competition" in the bidding process for publicly funded projects.  I am of the opinion that you have a right to compete for your own tax dollars, and not be ruled by government "mandates".

The government has a method of choosing "Winners', and "Losers", and this comes in the form of "Purchasing Cooperatives".  Surprised?  "Ron, I thought Purchasing Cooperatives "Save you money because they buy in bulk",  Or, "Our vast negotiating power saves you money".  Both are false, and I can prove it to you through public record, and common sense.

Let us establish that if you are not competitive in the private market, you are not competitive in the public market.  Fair enough?

Purchasing Cooperatives are essentially "Commissioned Salesmen", and have absolutely NO incentive to compete.  In fact, the more something costs, the more commission (typically 2% of the contract amount) they make.

The Cooperative obfuscates the truth through methods of bidding that are impossible to calculate.  One method is "Line Item" bidding, where the bidders fill out many pages of highly detailed individual items.  Then, they cherry pick ONE of those "Line Items" favorable to their "Preferred Vendor".  Voila!, mission accomplished.

It is IMPOSSIBLE to estimate a roof, and provide a hard bid through "Line Items", and not one estimator in any country will refute that statement.  

ROOFING is the costliest item of any school maintenance budget.  ROOFING is also the ONLY TRADE Purchasing Cooperatives" offer.  Is it starting to add up for you?  If they tried this with any other trade (HVAC, Plumbing, Electrician, etc.) they would RIOT!

Roofs purchased through Cooperatives cost an average of 40% MORE than by a "Mainstream Manufacturers (GAF, Firestone, Johns Manville, Carlisle, Barrett, etc)  and local roof consultant. 

The two primary culprits of this deception are Tremco AKA Waterproofing Technologies, and Republic Powdered Metals RPM.  The other is Garland Ind. and their metals division IMETCO.

For the sake of discussion will call them Tremco, and Garland.  Private owners do not use them because they are grotesquely overpriced, and average roofs at best.  It is a complete SCAM.

Please don't take my word for it, and type "School Roofing Scam" into your browser.  Then, do the same thing on YouTube.  You will find no shortage of investigative reports on them there.

Friends, every word I say is backed by public record, and I do not share "Opinions".

Tremco was fined $61,000,000.00 by the DOJ for abusing GSA contracts.  The schools they defrauded got NOTHING.

Tremco, and their attorney are now being sued by the SEC who are insisting on a jury trial. 



For Garland:  (State of New Jersey Commission of Investigation):   

U.S. Communities illustrates the problem in a big way here:

Cooperative Government Purchasing - U.S. Communities the truth behind a national scam! All States, Counties And Cities: Nationwide

Garland is the "Preferred Vendor" of U.S Communities (another fraud), and pays a 5% "Commission" to the County Commission of Cobb County, Georgia.  As a result, this "Lie" is spread throughout the USA.   

Salesmen" talk administrators into believing this lie, and expose them to great public scrutiny,  They also decimate school maintenance budgets.  NEVER is it okay to call out one manufacturer on a public project.  That is collusion, and bid rigging.  That "Salesman" is getting a 25% "Commission" for misleading you, and cares not about your career as an administrator.

Since we're talking about "Commissions", let's add up what the public is getting for their money.  Cooperative gets 2%, Salesman gets 25%, so your tax dollar just turned into 73 cents and nothing to show for it.  Mainstream manufacturers do not pay commissions to salesmen to "get over" on you.

If Tremco, and Garland, were so "Competitive", why doesn't WalMart, Target, or any other retailer use them?  Because they're not stupid, and using their own money, that's why.

U.S. Communities shills for Garland, and TCPN shills for Tremco.  Completely absent moral, decency, or care for the schools, and taxpayers they defraud.  These purchasing cooperatives actually have seminars on hot to avoid "competitive bidding'.  I find it disgraceful, and you should too.

If you don't value our schools, the taxpayers, and their children, you should at least value your job, and freedom,  I've been through this many, many times, and seen the damage it does.  We will continue the discussion in my next post where I will provide links, and break down their "sales points" into plain English.

I am very thankful for the time you spend with me here, and happy to revise any statements I've made that are factually incorrect.  I can't argue your "emotion", but I can argue  "fact".

The next post will be a real "scorcher", so please stand by.

NOTE: Retired 2003, do not solicit nor accept compensation or personal advancement of any kind.

Reject negativity in all forms, and always remember to keep looking "UP"


Robert R. Solomon
Director, Roof Consultant's Alliance
Public Procurement Analyst
CCC 1325620